

Awareness is eternity; without thought, without desire, without passion, without fear, without dread. 

* * * *

What would existence be like, if you had never seen your face?


* * * *

Solitude, whatever the space or time, allows you to close the door on the world.


* * * *

A still mind, a no-mind, is a now mind.


* * * *

The sway of compliments and their opposites, are the weavers of vanity.


* * * *

Viewing what is, through the lens of what was, creates every variety of imaginary notion.


* * * *

Cross all boundaries, dissolve all boundaries.


* * * *

Destiny’s final curtain descends, when no more choices remain.


* * * *

You are as inwardly free as you allow your Self to be.


* * * *

Who-what-where-when-why-how is any boundary, but the world, the universe, that imagination built.


* * * *

To live every moment fully, is the end of history.


* * * *

To be capable of any role, any deed, as need arises, is the mark of a true mystic.


* * * *

Do you really believe all those words, all those numbers, all those anything, really matter to the mystery?


* * * *

How is your fate different than a bug going splat on a windshield?


* * * *

Sentimental vanity, the duststorm of imagination.


* * * *

True science does no harm.


* * * *

Wisdom is hard won, and easily forgotten.


* * * *

Unknown looking forward, fate looking back.


* * * *

Nothing is the same today as it was yesterday.


* * * *

Do not believe the poof of your own imaginary myth, or any others, for that matter.


* * * *

It would only take one madman to kick the first domino into a nuclear holocaust.


* * * *

More absurdity by the day.


* * * *

Nothing is immortal.


* * * *

The hoity-toity have always mesmerized themselves into believing they are especially special.


* * * *

It all passes the same; give up the calculus that differentiates yay or nay.


* * * *

To truly become totally detached from the world, what would that be like?


* * * *

Stop torturing your Self.


* * * *

You are the indivisible playing divisible.


* * * *

Few histories withstand the test of time; and even the most resilient, only a while longer.


* * * *

Name that illusion.


* * * *

The Great Lie continues.


* * * *

The mind loves its gorp; it is up to you to cease the gluttony for more.


* * * *

Anticipation sometimes morphs into a form of  Self-flagellation.


* * * *

Genomic sequences ever strive for immortality, but only nothing is lasts forever, whatever forever is.


* * * *

Vanity is the glue of illusion.


* * * *

If you really believe you are that blob of crunchy-chewy-gooey, then think again.


* * * *

Time is is a weight historians happily bear.


* * * *

Impede commerce at your own risk.


* * * *

The past has only so much control over any given present.


* * * *

History evaporates as surely as any body of water in the hot-cold of dreamtime.


* * * *

What a weight, what a bother, all that self-imagining.


* * * *

The human paradigm is entirely the invention of imagination; its reality, but an agreed-upon notion.


* * * *

For all stories to end, would require the extermination of every storyteller round every campfire.


* * * *

All are watching, none are watching.


* * * *

No matter the view, no matter the perspective, it is ever the same timeless mystery.


* * * *

The entire human paradigm is an exercise in imagination.


* * * *

You are nothing more than a pawn of imagination.


* * * *

To be as still as you are able in the given moment, is as close to eternal life as you can get.


* * * *

Depression is Self sabotage, too loathsome a state of mind to allow manifestation.


* * * *

Be the ether.


* * * *

The unifying principal is a still mind; pure awareness, indifferent to sensory input.


* * * *

The entire universe is but a whirling particle of dust in an immeasurable void.


* * * *

Infinity and infinitesimal imply measurements that are not real.


* * * *

When all questions are answered, where will you be, what will you do?


* * * *

Everything always boils down to this moment.


* * * *

There is no past moment, there is no future moment, there is only this moment.


* * * *

In awareness, no memory resides.


* * * *

In the web of life, all life has equal value.


* * * *

Pure decadence is chanceable in the relativity of moderation.


* * * *

How can awareness retain a memory?


* * * *

Critical thinking, wisdom, insight, cannot be taught; it must be learned.


* * * *

The human paradigm is falling on its own sword.


* * * *

No need to believe in anything.


* * * *

Whatever you think anything is, is never what it is.


* * * *

How much of this world, this cosmos, this dreamtime, do you want to keep inflicting upon your moment?


* * * *

What memory need any universe retain?


* * * *

Try not to believe your own hype.


* * * *

Play it how you feel it.


* * * *

The bonds of time are all about you.


* * * *

See it or not, we are all existentialists.


* * * *

What you see this moment, you wii never see again.


* * * *

Try not take life personally.


* * * *

This moment, this moment, this moment … everything has kaleidoscoped right alongside-inside you.


* * * *

We could not all be explorers, else there would not be a world, in which to wander and ponder.


* * * *

Keeping lies to a minimum keeps you from having to to remember them.


* * * *

The shadow of fear disappears when desire is disengaged.


* * * *

One cannot be known without another; it is You who must see You.


* * * *

Others are like ghosts, haunting the corridors of the mind.


* * * *

The still pond is its Self.


* * * *

We are reaping what we have sewn, and taking the garden down with us.


* * * *

Not interested in playing that game.


* * * *

Fiction no more.


* * * *

Technology is not going to solve the problem it in large part created.


* * * *

The Petri dish is running out of room.


* * * *

Abandon ship.


* * * *

Casting pearls to swine can be dangerous business.


* * * *

Let us count the ways the wave is crashing into tumultuous ruin.


* * * *

Microbes so vain as to try to get as many other microbes to care about them as possible.


* * * *

Eat anything enough times, and it may well become a delicacy.


* * * *

Not all discomfort can be avoided, and is it a good idea in this Darwinian universe to be too solt?


* * * *

Let us imagine the choices born of free will.


* * * *

Any existence is replete with countless choiceless choices; all harbor to the given fate.


* * * *

Yet another day of unborn-undying-birth-death of every moment.


* * * *

You are but awareness, you cannot die, there is no need to fear it.


* * * *

Taking responsibility for another life form’s health and well-being, is not a task lightly taken.


* * * *

Any tree bears fruit long after it is planted.


* * * *

If they were going to take your advice, they would not have needed it in the first place.


* * * *

What choice does any seed have, but to endure whatever fate is prescribed.


* * * *

Is there a universe without its creation, without you, to imagine it?


* * * *

Whether or not you pay attention to it, the moment is ever the indelible You.


* * * *

An absurd world replete with horror galore.


* * * *

All science and mathematics are really doing is measuring illusion.


* * * *

Why fear death, when it has, every moment, been your constant companion.


* * * *

Boundaries are for the uninitiated.


* * * *

Fate is sculpted by all the choices, all the decisions, voluntary and involuntary, every moment calls for.


* * * *

Be careful what you think, what you believe, what you assume, your Self into.


* * * *

How much Self-reflection is really required to be one with the awareness?


* * * *

The land of the free stomping on those who are not.


* * * *

You want a point, a purpose, well, good luck finding one that is tangible.


* * * *

Take your thoughts, take your chemistry, the direction you feel called to go.


* * * *

When was the first time you wanted? The first time you feared? The first time you dreaded?


* * * *

The dissolution of what never was from any get-go.


* * * *

Remember, all these thoughts, are the timelessly time-bound You, pointing to the timeless You.


* * * *

Some souls are cheap at any price; by the way, what’s yours?


* * * *

We are all on the spectrum of quantum persuasion: both predator and prey, You are.


* * * *

The no-mind is nothing more than the right-here-right-now prior-to-consciousness awareness.


* * * *

Dance, puppet, dance.


* * * *

Why shouldn’t you be the One?


* * * *

Be, when you are alone, the no-worries-no-whiny persona you project in your public forum.


* * * *

Your fate keeps the wheel of destruction lubed.


* * * *

Earth … Wind … Water … Fire … are the dancers of creation and destruction, in the ether of totality.


* * * *

Every seed has its fated inexorably written in the sands of timelessness.


* * * *

A world full of megalomaniacs, full sail towards the falls, and its minions in mindless compliance.


* * * *

Every language morphs on and on and on, for as long as imagination rolls.


* * * *

Warrior breath, dragon breath, full breath, call it what you will; just do it, at least now and again.


* * * *

If you're going to do something, what point is there, being afraid or dreading it?


* * * *

The mystery equally plays out , in quantum perfection, whatever form is taken.


* * * *

Blow out through the top of the cranium.


* * * *

These thoughts are for those who feel the call in the chain of possesslessness.


* * * *

Each breath, an ocean’s wave.


* * * *

It does not matter what is out there, if you do not care for what is here.


* * * *

False humidity does not become you.


* * * *

Call it whatever religious or scientific name you will, all were born of the womb of nothingness.


* * * *

Keeping secrets and covetable things to your Self, makes for far less bother.


* * * *

Does the ocean know the travails of the crashing waves?


* * * *

Some people should be keeping a scale near the fridge for the rest of their lives.


* * * *

You do not ask, to be in the driver's seat, or any other throne.


* * * *

"Never again," you thought to yourself, not for the first time that day.


* * * *

Best not pick fights you cannot win.


* * * *

Are you the awareness, or the absurdity passing through?


* * * *

You must be very alone, even in a crowd, to be, who-what-where-when-why-how, You really are.


* * * *

Far easier to add more, to too little, than it is to take back, too much.


* * * *

Death is just the same You, without the body; the same You, in which all creation dances.


* * * *

Small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, xxx-large … Who decides that, anyway?


* * * *

There is no way to make existence chore-free.


* * * *

What is the point of being a hero, if you are not, first and foremost, your own?


* * * *

That idea you have about yourself, that self-image, is the thorn that keeps on giving.


* * * *

History is more weed patch than garden.


* * * *

Defying Darwin is risky business for any genomic strand.


* * * *

Self pity; try not to go there.


* * * *

What clowns do all these pedestals bear.


* * * *

Observing silence, what would that be like?


* * * *

Nothing imaginary has ever, will ever, can ever, mean anything.


* * * *

Step right up, folks! Time machines for sale! Get ‘em while they’re hot!


* * * *

Coincidences are not.


* * * *

Judge harshly, and you will be judge harshly; judge kindly, and you may be judged kindly.


* * * *

Can an aphorism capture the essence of any given life?


* * * *

Destiny is all, when illusion and delusion reign.


* * * *

Entitlement is the stuff of dreams.


* * * *

You battle your windmills, others battles their own, all to the same end.


* * * *

All your tithing, where do you really think it gets you?


* * * *

Another one of those irony-paradox things.


* * * *

To Meyer Baba, or not to Meyer Baba, that is the question.


* * * *

Mindfully mindless.


* * * *

Is there really any one thing more or less pointless than any other?


* * * *

Why does it have to mean anything?


* * * *

To take the red pill, and keep it down, requires great doubt.


* * * *

Eternity is not going anywhere.


* * * *

If there ever were a Frankenstein, it is the future human consciousness hath wrought.


* * * *

The digital world is a house of cards waiting for a puff of wind to blow it all away.


* * * *

Seriously, how is religion organized?


* * * *

Who is in control, Imagination or You?


* * * *

Truth always boils down to the given moment.


* * * *

Ego is attachment to your frame of reference.


* * * *

Are you awareness, this moment? Or frame of reference, this moment?


* * * *

It is done.


* * * *

Likely, there are far worse fates.


* * * *

How it used to be, is how it used to be; now, is how it is.


* * * *

What will become of all that vanity that whirls about your head?


* * * *

Pluses outweighing minuses generally make for a tolerable existence.


* * * *

Another exciting day in the melee of philosophy.


* * * *

What's your conspiracy?


* * * *

The awareness is the soul that permeates all creation, and the infinity beyond.


* * * *

What is the state of consciousness not weighed down by the vagaries of memory?


* * * *

Amazing what the mind can adapt to, will adapt to, to keep on breathing.


* * * *

Awakening is a grass roots phenomenon.


* * * *

If you believe in god, how can it not include you?


* * * *

Imagination and sexuality are very closely linked in the rise (and fall) of the human paradigm.


* * * *

How can imagination ever mean anything?


* * * *

History will sort it out.


* * * *

To state there is free will is indeed a dubious claim.


* * * *

You play the illusion-delusion your integrity allows.


* * * *

What windmill calls you today, oh brave knight?


* * * *

If there were a point, surely, it would first and foremost be, to survive the day.


* * * *

Ignore that imaginary world; become the awareness you are, as often as attention allows.


* * * *

No skin off your nose.


* * * *

Why should you ever be afraid again?


* * * *

Doubt, don't leave home without it.


* * * *

Live every moment as it you were completely alone.


* * * *

Kick that other out.


* * * *

To truly not care what another thinks, is a bliss, of sorts.


* * * *

What are you holding on to, but every variety of imaginary notion.


* * * *

Curiosity kills the buddha, or at least distracts him.


* * * *

Get out, damned other, get out.


* * * *

Oxygen deprivation is the first and foremost means for imagination to seize the helm.


* * * *

Serendipity is not.


* * * *

Respect others, as you wish them to respect you.


* * * *

The elephant in the room, standing right there, how can you not see it?


* * * *

How cannot any possibility be on the mystery’s table?


* * * *

Observe silence.


* * * *

The masks of illusion wander all about you.


* * * *

“What a hot sack of bones you are!” You said mockingly, to the reflection in the mirror.


* * * *

Falling out the saddle, every once in a while, is what cowboys do.


* * * *

Are you a seeker of truth, no matter that it is beneath every rock, and every rock, as well?


* * * *

No mystery is complete without the lead actor being the mystery its Self.


* * * *

Name that conspiracy


* * * *

It is only coincidence, only serendipity, if you believe in free will.


* * * *

To observe silence, or not to observe silence, that is the question.


* * * *

A complex pattern, but a pattern, nonetheless.


* * * *

How will you play your vanity today?


* * * *

Red pill, blue pill, every moment, the choice.


* * * *

Emotion only clouds the sky.


* * * *

A teacher may present something, but what is taken away by the student, is the lesson learned.


* * * *

Your detachment is required.


* * * *

Still your mind … Eternity is that stillness … Yes, it is that simple.


* * * *

Mystery is its name, wonder is its game, stillness is its frameless.


* * * *

The nectar of existence: forgiveness, innocence, compassion, contentment, truth.


* * * *

What pathetic endgame are you fated to endure?


* * * *

Truth has always been by hijacked by the wolves to herd the sheep.


* * * *

You are eternitr; the trick is to be it.


* * * *

Dogs and cats have figured it out, that’s for sure.


* * * *

Could you cluster fuck that any better?


* * * *

Is that You, eating the ice cream, or you, off daydreaming, eating the ice cream?


* * * *

Life is the muse.


* * * *

 A world made to order for sociopaths, psychopaths, and other DSM labels.


* * * *

Why should you care about what any other thinks of you, as more than a pragmatic exercise?


* * * *

What, but unutterable delusion, makes anyone believe anyone can save them?


* * * *

Wonder is its name.


* * * *

You are neither earth nor air nor fire nor water nor ether.


* * * *

Where are you when the world disappears?


* * * *

What would human history be, if there truly was such a thing as love?


* * * *

Creators destroy, destroyers create; it is but quantum swirl, imaginaton’s twirl.


* * * *

All alone in the corner again, are we?


* * * *

Delusion is the inevitable result of desire and fear spinning their tale.


* * * *

He yammers on and on, Mommy, make him stop.


* * * *

Death is inevitable – perhaps even mid-sentence and exceedly embarrassing – were you around to care.


* * * *

All stories begin with the first breath; end with the last.


* * * *

How fortunate, those who are content, with whatever lives the genetic lottery has allotted.


* * * *

Awareness is, without any desire, without any fear, without any passion, whatsoever.


* * * *

The conditioning that nature-nurture molded, is what whips you into the clutches of imagination.


* * * *

What creature is not a guinea pig for science?


* * * *

The imaginary mind's attachment to the sensory feed, is what fuels the engine of imagination.


* * * *

Both water and sewage follow gravity’s lead.


* * * *

Imagination is ever ready to step into awareness overtaken by inattention.


* * * *

The point is, to get you to think – critically, judiciously, rationally – for your Self.


* * * *

Mix and match as you please.


* * * *

The choices seem pretty simple: join the dance, sit a cave, suicide, or all of the above.


* * * *

Imagination is likely always going to be getting its taste; hopefully, not all the time.


* * * *

Check that assumption at the door.


* * * *

There is no world, no universe, but the one you every moment in imagination carry.


* * * *

Imagination plays You so.


* * * *

Consumer lap dogs yapping for more.


* * * *

It has always been a jungle; the only difference now is the paths are paved and cemented.


* * * *

If you are seeking god, look to the awareness within.


* * * *

Awareness is awareness, no matter the state of consciousness.


* * * *

Awareness plays whatever part it is allotted with the same equanimity.


‘* * * *

Awareness has no attachment to any form, to any function.


* * * *

Awareness boils down to a tranquil mind.


* * * *

Yup, kind of a matrix thing.


* * * *

Science marches on, over the hearts and minds of countless lab rats, of the two-legged variety.


* * * *

If you write it better, do it; we are all our own song.


* * * *

This is the only now, this is the only moment, eternity has to offer.


* * * *

How many stories, how many writings, how many creations, have been lost to time? 


* * * *

A still mind is a timeless mind.


* * * *

The only rule, is to never stop; to stop, is to die, literally-figuratively, whatever.


* * * *

Imagination is the veil maker.


* * * *

Only five senses? What’s that about?


* * * *

The quantum dance.


* * * *

Are you right-here-right-now worldy? Or right-here-right-now eternal?


* * * *

It never happened.


* * * *

All metaphors are but mesmerizers of imagination, the usurper; they have no reality, whatsoever.


* * * *

What calls you: toe-dipping or full-immersion?


* * * *

Eternity is the omniscient-omnipotent-omnipresent moment; the one and only moment, that has ever been.


* * * *

No, it did not happen the way you remember.


* * * *

If there is some deity that wants you to believe in it, how is its vanity, any more or less than yours?


* * * *

No matter how objective, no matter how rational, no matter how true, it is still arbitrary.


* * * *

When did you first learn to fear?


* * * *

We are all our own song.


* * * *

A good sword is created through hot and cold, and a beating between.


* * * *

Enough and no more.


* * * *

The joy of the figurative, is the dance, for which imagination has no end of thirst.


* * * *

Call it mystery, call it wonder, call it unknown, it is all and none of the above.


* * * *

Why do it? Why not?


* * * *

What did people talk about when there were no words?


* * * *

Someone might think about you occasionally; certainly not as much time as you do, yourself.


* * * *

Very clear attention, very clear intention, is the key to momentary living.


* * * *

Time is the movement of mind; awareness, the stillness through which it passes.


* * * *

Awareness is without desire, without fear, without any passion, at all.


* * * *

Maybe some other tomorrow.


* * * *

So worth it.


* * * *

What is human existence but a walkabout with imagination.


* * * *

What is nationalism, but tribalism scaled large.


* * * *

Does it seem like you were chosen and groomed to play this role?


* * * *

Frame of reference, or awareness without frames?


* * * *

Your story is your own.


* * * *

Why bother about things over which you have absolutely no control, which is almost everything.


* * * *

You never know what banner history will take up next.


* * * *

Are you watching?


* * * *

Being in the moment is an unbearable-lightness-of-being thing.


* * * *

Rotsa ruck with all the history bearing down upon you and your world.


* * * *

What’s to miss?


* * * *

Your story is what you imagine it.


* * * *

Go straight to Go, or go round and round the board, your choice.


* * * *

Sometimes you pay attention, sometimes you don't, so what?


* * * *

Always look forward to the moment, anywhere else is imagination playing its usurpation game.


* * * *

Here you are; what more to you want?


* * * *

Every mind, its own story.


* * * *

Could it get any more absurd? Well, yes.


* * * *

Second-guessing your Self, is a bumpy road, filled with every variety of pain and suffering.


* * * *

Other than stoking vanity, what is there to be recognized for, really?


* * * *

The moment, the now, the huff ‘n puff of the imaginary nature-nurture frame of reference, is all you are.


* * * *

Anything risks becoming dogma; be wary of all idols, especially the one within.


* * * *

You are not the illusory dreamtime, the playhouse, in which You wander every part.


* * * *

All the philosophies ever spun, cannot surpass a breath.


* * * *

Be this moment, this right-here-right-now; you will get to that one soon enough.


* * * *

How much of too little does it take, to be too much?


* * * *

What happened, that, that moment became a scar in flesh or bone or mind, or all of the above?


* * * *

Some lessons are easy, some, hard; pay attention, else you may well endure it again and again.


* * * *

Play the play, as you any-given-moment feel.


* * * *

Keeping the blob under the beltline does not appear to be a priority for oh so many.


* * * *

Rational or irrational, you are arbiter of your mind, your thoughts, your world, your cosmos.


* * * *

How freeing it is not to care.


* * * *

It is all You, upon every stage, for all of whatever eternity is, and is not.


* * * *

Tough it out, kid.


* * * *

Extrapolate beyond the limits of imagination.


* * * *

Some things are literal, some, figurative; you are sovereign in your morphing interpretation.


* * * *

Benevolent intentions towards all can be a challenging beast.


* * * *

You must, every moment, decide how powerful You need to be.


* * * *

Do not second-guess, doubt, betray, your Self.


* * * *

That is going to be a challenging rut to climb your way out of.


* * * *

There it is, you finally saw it, and not for the first time today.


* * * *

Imaginary notions can be so insidious.


* * * *

Habits die hard, if they die at all.


* * * *

No point regretting, really; it is done, no rewind, game over, so it goes, get over it, move on.


* * * *

Team effort requires team effort.


* * * *

History is both chronicle and propaganda, to those for whom it is written.


* * * *

Self doubt; what a corrupting viper.


* * * *

Never assume any given opponent will not attack at any given moment.


* * * *

Today’s Sisyphean boulder up-the-mountain, is awakening tomorrow, back at its base.


* * * *

Imagination ceaselessly makes every effort to steal the show, in every way literal and figurative allow.


* * * *

Discerning the source code to the conditioning is imperative for any meaningful change.


* * * *

Looking out through the frame of reference is the sure way to participate in the human debacle.


* * * *

Are you puppet, or puppeteer?


* * * *

Sisyphus looks up, sighs, and begins the daily toil; perhaps whistling, perhaps not.


* * * *

Are you, you? Or You?


* * * *

Live it Darwin.


* * * *

What culture has ever been free of slow or sudden changes, of hiccups in the tribal synergy?


* * * *

A stream of consciousness.


* * * *

How is it, that enough, is never enough for so many


* * * *

Are you a blob, or the awareness prior to blobbery?


* * * *

What is a politician but a glad-handing whore for votes.


* * * *

Keep extraneous mental effort to a minimum, if you’ve the wit.


* * * *

Free will is an absurdity, to which relatively few awaken.


* * * *

The genetic lottery, ever spinning itself anew.


* * * *

Every variety of carrot and stick is on any given might-makes-right table. 


* * * *

It is patterns, not history, that play out ever again.


* * * *

Living never born is s rare feat. 


* * * *

It is not about believing anything; it is about seeing everything.


* * * *

Walk from here to there, mindful of every step, every breath.


* * * *

All that experience, all that knowledge – that frame of reference – is a burden you need not always carry.


* * * *

Imagination is the great mesmerizer.


* * * *

Why is it you hold back,  from your ultimate truth?


* * * *

Opportunities ain’t what they used to be; 


* * * *

Not caring is a very relaxing habit.


* * * *

Your carbon footprint is on the road to extinction.


* * * *

The tabula rasa mind is pure awareness; untainted by any fixture of consciousness.


* * * *

The puppeters, the masters of the game, neither know nor care that you exist.


* * * *

What an insidious thing, Self doubt.


* * * *

Try not to believe your own hype, much less any other's.


* * * *

You never know what someone will do when the passions are in play.


* * * *

Is it even possible to let go completely, to surrender everything, to be unconcerned, to depart while living?


* * * *

How is enough, never enough for so many?


* * * *

Back and forth, and forth and back, sometimes you, sometimes You; a perpetual schizophrenic joust.


* * * *

Extinction is all it is cracked up to be.


* * * *

Stream of consciousness, of imagination, of dreamtime, all the same thing, all the same mystery.


* * * *

Life is windows and doors, always opening, always closing, nothing ever the same.


* * * *

Curse you, imagination.


* * * *

From emptiness to emptiness, and dust to dust for an instant between.


* * * *

How can the timeless now not be the eternal You?


* * * *

Time management, or timeless management, the dance between imagination and awareness.


* * * *

What choices would any of us make, or not make, again, if we knew the consequences?


* * * *

Science has finally proven what philosopher-mystic-seers long ago sorted.


* * * *

There is no ideal to fulfill; only the moment to attend.


* * * *

Clouds cannot touch the sky.


* * * *

How can there be desire or fear or dread, when you are the awareness you are.


* * * *

Forms morph every moment; the source is ever the same.


* * * *

Quantum is not etched in stone; it is the stone.


* * * *

You really believe you are this blob of crunchy-chewy-gooey?


* * * *

Humankind will be chomping on Mother Earth for as long as the DNA manages to survive.


* * * *

The timeless now does not move to be toyed with.


* * * *

Do not allow fear to lead.


* * * *

Sometimes more, sometimes less; each moment must be gauged.


* * * *

Human history is full of horror; why would anyone believe the future is exempt?


* * * *

Damned work ethic.


* * * *

Humankind is somewhere past the high point of the roller coaster to hell.


* * * *

Ignorance is the wheel of its own destruction.


* * * *

A calling is like living in a rainbow, if you are fortunate enough to find it.


* * * *

Life is the muse.


* * * *

So, is your God a blob, too?


* * * *

How many selections did it take for nature to evolve into you?


* * * *

Quantum Nature is not waiting for us to catch up with the accelerating exponential we have inspired.


* * * *

No gold rush lasts long; by the time most even hear about it, it is likely too late.


* * * *

Immortality is the eternal reality, of which all creation is an ever-changing part.


* * * *

Try not to take it personal.


* * * *

And the forgiving nature of the world hissing out, like air from a punctured tire.


* * * *

No need for politics once you are away from any other’s limelight.


* * * *

Is it everything you might have hoped?


* * * *

Fantasy may be much more fun than reality, but reality grows the food and pays the bills.


* * * *

What is your cost/benefit ratio between life and death?


* * * *

Mother Nature is taking us all to the whipping post.


* * * *

Imagination is in the forebrain: corral it there to do YOUR bidding, not its imaginary version.


* * * *

Entitlement runs deep in this our modern world.


* * * *

The clouds cannot not disturb the sky, no matter how they thunder and lightning.


* * * *

Nothing has just one cause.


* * * *

To become a master of anything, one must value it beyond all measure.


* * * *

That would be a very biggee, and that, a very smallee, in the relative sense, of course.


* * * *

Home is where no other reigns.


* * * *

Numbers don’t lie.


* * * *

Be wary of out-of-context soundbites.


* * * *

All choices play forward, all choice ripple out, in one way or another.


* * * *

If you must have a tribe, let it be all creation.


* * * *

Anything for a once and a while; nothing all the time.


* * * *

Be your Self, humble yourself.


* * * *

Think how much simpler it all was, when it was just instinct running the show.


* * * *

Sitting around the nest is not for everyone.


* * * *

Are you able to look at something, and drink it in, as if it were the very first time?


* * * *

Speculation studied, is always more sound than speculation assumed.


* * * *

Some things in life are too good to be quaffed.


* * * *

Do with your life whatever inclination the moment allows.


* * * *

Life is full of scar tissue.


* * * *

The Seven Deadly Intoxications: Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, Greed, Sloth.


* * * *

Absolute war makes for absolute death.


* * * *

Mammon might give audience to wisdom if there is profit in it.


* * * *

All choices, wise or foolish, have their consequences.


* * * *

It is the nature of ripples, to ripple into other ripples, and they, on and on.


* * * *

Traditions must be adaptable to change, to avoid the staleness that crashes upon its reef.


* * * *

You are as free as free will allows.


* * * *

Do whatever you have the stamina to endure, whatever you are willing to pay the given piper.


* * * *

Solitude is as free of politics as the ever-churning mind allows.


* * * *

Measuring illusion, where does it get you, really?


* * * *

Imagination is the whore of illusion.


* * * *

Your health and well-being is not a political issue.


* * * *

Death is the fate of every seed.


* * * *

What will be your last thought?


* * * *

Wisdom is no barrier against the tides of ignorance.


* * * *

If it dies on the vine, who will notice?


* * * *

The clouds cannot not disturb the sky.


* * * *

How many selections did it take for that nature to evolve?


* * * *

 What’s that breath doing now?


* * * *

That moment, and all prior, never happened, nor will any and all hence.


* * * *

Is what you think you are missing, really anything more than more mind gorp?


* * * *

The mind-body is the quantum creator, generating a universe, as immense as imagination allows.


* * * *

The universe is a crap shoot, ever rolling down the table.


* * * *

All that can go wrong, is going wrong; right, not so much.


* * * *

Youth is about collecting memories; aging about not drowning in them.


* * * *

So quickly forgotten; history is like that.


* * * *

What pain is another day of the same-old-same-old worth?


* * * *

Space and time can come to an end, if you shut your sense very tightly, and let the mind be very still.


* * * *

Awareness is the witness, the intelligence, to which imagination subscribes.


* * * *

Hunt, eat, pee, poop, breed, ponder, sleep, repeat.


* * * *

Life need not be as complex as vanity and greed would have us all believe.


* * * *

Have you ever wished you could play another part?


* * * *

If you seek serenity, you will discern it in the absoluteness of aloneness.


* * * *

How different any difference to the universs?


* * * *

The knowingness is in the beingness.


* * * *

Imagination is the instigator of all vanity, of all drama.


* * * *

You are as limited as you imagine.


* * * *

Lust is about friction that stimulates an orgasm; love only mixes the metaphors.


* * * *

If you really want to find god, kill your self.


* * * *

The you, you think you are, is a fabrication from any get-go.


* * * *

That was a good fishing trip.


* * * *

In the awareness, in the nothingness, you are, and are not, all universes disappear.


* * * *

We are all slaves; not all in chains.


* * * *

Not easy to outrun a drone.


* * * *

You may nnot consciously witness the actual moment, but you can attend your moment.


* * * *

All Ponzi schemes, all gold rushes, all fads, end sooner or later.


* * * *

And knowing all they know, seeing all they see, still they breed.


* * * *

Prior to all creation, prior to all patterns, all forms, all functions, all plays of consciousness, you are.


* * * *

If you must blame something, blame the genomic sequencing, within which you have been imprisoned.


* * * *

The limits of consciousness are the limits of the given container.


* * * *

It seemed real at the time.


* * * *

Science a story, too, and so are all its other ivory tower cronies.


* * * *

Be Self-ish.


* * * *

Only you know.


* * * *

If time could be stopped, surely someone would have figured it out by now.


* * * *

Another revelation, whoo-hoo.


* * * *

All youth sooner or later loses its innocence; the later the better.


* * * *

Be alone, be very, very alone.


* * * *

The space-time continuum is a kaleidoscoping illusion.


* * * *

Dust off the awareness.


* * * *

The world that imagination built, with the aid of oxygen deprivation.


* * * *

Pray tell, how is a rabbit any different?


* * * *

The you, you think you are, is not the you, you really are.


* * * *

The mind that wants answers to everything, is a gateway to enlightenment, or insanity.


* * * *

Poof, that moment is gone, too; keep up, Pilgrim.


* * * *

Innocence has a quaint bliss hovering about it.


* * * *

Imagination is to awareness as clouds are to the sky.


* * * *

The paltry few.


* * * *

To be truly, fully, completely, absolutely alone, is a gift to your Self.


* * * *

Self-ish, indeed.


* * * *

For another day of the same-old-same-old, what pain will you endure?


* * * *

The mind is always searching for where the lungs already are.


* * * *

Everything is only as important, only as unimportant, as imagination makes it.


* * * *

Self-pity is the barren stepchild of self-absorption.


* * * *

It only matters to vanity.


* * * *

Let us know when you find your face.


* * * *

Yesterday and tomorrow are imaginary reference points.


* * * *

Peer out to the horizon, to the moon, to the sun, to the stars; the same mystery in all.


* * * *

Emotion is a rabbit hole, from which only the rare few return.


* * * *

Except for the gurus’s vanity, why would it possibly matter if you have one or many?


* * * *

The lies that imagination built.


* * * *

Yet another tiny vision binding the sheeples into a flummox.


* * * *

Patterns cannot churn if they do not have a matrix in which to churn.


* * * *

The Fates are indifferent to all.


* * * *

There will come a time when it is no longer your decision to make.


* * * *

Challenging to stay lean in a fat world.


* * * *

Do not confuse negation with negativity; the beingness of awareness is neither positive or negative.


* * * *

Putting it all together is what philosophy is all about.


* * * *

Another blurb, another story, another manifesto, for the sands of quantum to blow away.


* * * *

Your presence is not required in that circus tent.


* * * *

You have never seen your own face, because you are the faceless Self.


* * * *

Where is the line between are and are not?


* * * *

Embrace the pain as best you can, and be sure to read the small print next time.


* * * *

The lungs already have the answer.


* * * *

Not too many life forms exist long in a vacuum.


* * * *

Take off that halter; break that chain, cut that leash; go wild, or go to seed, you decide.


* * * *

That story will be for your time to tell.


* * * *

If you are not attending to each and every breath, then imagination has you in its dreamy grip.


* * * *

A true-believer will do whatever the food chain dictates.


* * * *

Kind of a big Petri dish thing.


* * * *

Not all patterns are created equal; all patterns are created equal.


* * * *

Dread is bad chemistry, and can make the mind travel far afield, if one is not attentive.


* * * *

No point getting upset or worried about things you cannot change.


* * * *

What you bring to any classroom is your frame of reference.


* * * *

Talking to other philosophers, can be like lawyers talking lawyers.


* * * *

Any alliance is voluntary servitude.


* * * *

It is as much a yoke as you make it.


* * * *

A witty comment is only as witty as the wit, and its audience, more often than not, one in the same.


* * * *

Just the facts, ma’am.


* * * *

Sheep and shepherd, or sheep and wolf, depends on the hunger.


* * * *

What was just perceived by you, has always been known.


* * * *

Mother Quantum devised a spherical playing field, upon which all creatures play out their moment.


* * * *

One of these days, one of those close calls will be the last call; meanwhile, enjoy as best ye may.


* * * *

True believer, or true be-er?


* * * *

Measurement is all.


* * * *

Revenge is the spice of vanity.


* * * *

A level playing field only happens if all parties concerned agree to play fair, and do play fair.


* * * *

Not all teachers or teachings are equal.


* * * *

Neither left nor right eye know the true eye.


* * * *

Like everything else, impulsiveness has its moments of triumph.


* * * *

Find your own face before you deny your Self.


* * * *

At some point, you realize, you will never do something, that was once so important, again.


* * * *

Pain is pretty-darned immediate.


* * * *

Why bother arguing with someone who cannot hear you?


* * * *

Everything is food to something.


* * * *

Some habits are programmed for a lifetime; good luck breaking the shallow ones.


* * * *

Be cautious, the precedents you set; expectations can bite.


* * * *

An oxygenated brain makes for a happy mind.


* * * *

Wait, take that back.


* * * *

How hungry are you for another moment?


* * * *

Who is not shackled to one memory or another?


* * * *

Memory is the harbor of all demons.


* * * *

Normal is a mythological creature.


* * * *

Where is the mind that does not cling to memory, does not cling to imagination?


* * * *

Anyone who finds their true face, gets it all.


* * * *

If you have the insurance, someone will as-soon-as-possible devise whatever it takes to get a piece.


* * * *

To yoke, or not to yoke, that is the question.


* * * *

The giving heart is not driven by vanity and greed.


* * * *

Wallow where you will, life is full of choices.


* * * *

Let it be on somebody else’s dime, unless you have them to spare.


* * * *

The game has always been rigged; everyone in on it but you.


* * * *

Matrix or imagination, chicken or egg.


* * * *

How will your universe carry on without you to witness it?


* * * *

Mister Just-in-Case says always be ready for that day that will hopefully never come.


* * * *

“How might that have come about?” you wondered, not for the first time that day.


* * * *

Education is a dubious exchange for innocence of mind.


* * * *

From quantum to chemical to biological, is how the dream rolls.


* * * *

The true revolution is freeing the awareness You are, from the imagination that has imprisoned it.


* * * *

Give up all notions, all that is imaginary, and you will find your Self in the clear space of awareness.


* * * *

You are not required to feel responsible for what any other thinks of you.


* * * *

Change is the constant construct.


* * * *

Quantum is the magic carpet; imagination, the flying carpet; awareness, the innocent bystander.


* * * *

Before the avalanche.


* * * *

Quite a thing to learn, finally, so late in life.


* * * *

Be your most honest Self with your Self.


* * * *

Darwin will weed it all out.


* * * *

The sour chemistry of inflammation is something to be mindful of in the workings of the mind-body.


* * * *

Doing battle with, or running from, the world, does not for harmony make.


* * * *

Just another day in the Cold War. 


* * * *

Infinity is not a number.


* * * *

No, a good, deep breath, is not at all boring.


* * * *

Infinity is a pointless concept, perhaps the most pointless concept the human mind has ever devised.


* * * *

Philosophy ultimately can only point and gurgle at things in the same inarticulate way an infant does.


* * * *

Normal has an ever-changing face.


* * * *

Nothing gets a little more exciting every day.


* * * *

Civilization is not what natural selection had in mind.


* * * *

It is, and is not, as you imagine it to be.


* * * *

Live each moment as if it is your last, for, as we all know, you never know.


* * * *

One god, or many, all are false idols.


* * * *

What is judgment, but yes or no, in every size, shape, and flavor.


* * * *

A little patience allows for a lot of solutions.


* * * *

You can only be as free as you dare to be.


* * * *

Come back if you can.


* * * *

A revolutionary manifesto, way too late.


* * * *

The choice is yours … maybe.


* * * *

Personal memories are imagination’s go-to in its awareness-usurpation game.


* * * *

Honor all wisdom.


* * * *

No one else to prove anything to but your Self.


* * * *

As some point, life may become more about what you do not want to do or possess.


* * * *

Attachment is a magnet that holds all in its orbit.


* * * *

Allow them their hell without you.


* * * *

Challenging for many a problem-solving mind not to wander into the problem-making lane.


* * * *

Go, Team Stranger.


* * * *

Does entitlement bring happiness?


* * * *

The sleight of hand of the quantum illusion is an every-moment, kaleidoscoping deception.


* * * *

It is a matter of record.


* * * *

Whistle while you weep.


* * * *

In the right-here-right-now, you are pure innocence, free of all charges.


* * * *

Funny, how good so many are, at circumventing their values for a paycheck.


* * * *

The unfathomable becomes fathomable, when you become it.


* * * *

Last one standing gets all the stuff, and whatever bother it ordains.


* * * *

Are you sure you deserve to be happy?


* * * *

Awareness is akin to an opaque sea of salt, an absolute, still clarity, prior to consciousness.


* * * *

What is to be realized? Nothing.


* * * *

Getting offstage before the curtain falls, perhaps on you, what say ye?


* * * *

What matters, and what does not matter, is in each and every moment’s telling.


* * * *

They all think what they think, and you cannot do a damned thing about it.


* * * *

Picking sides, or not picking sides, all have their consequences.


* * * *

To call human beings animals, is not being kind to animals.


* * * *

We all have our limits, and set theory does the rest with fairy dust.


* * * *

Battle with water all you please; she does not do more than resist, assuming she is still, that is.


* * * *

There is no world but what the senses ply.


* * * *

You are as strong or weak as your spirit every moment chooses.


* * * *

Make your decisions from strength or weakness, you every moment choose.


* * * *

Thank you for your service.


* * * *

Metaphors were so much simpler way back when.


* * * *

What is a village or two, when there is so much stuff to buy and sell, or rape and pillage.


* * * *

Mommy, when did forever begin? And what happens to all the promises, if it ends?


* * * *

Such a tragedy to know too much too young.


* * * *

What are these blobby bodies but time machines traveling through awareness.


* * * *

Agape comes and goes, as moods of mind ebb and flow.


* * * *

Is there anything that is not subject to the appropriations and manipulations of propaganda?


* * * *

Get over your self, to your Self.


* * * *

Even the most anonymous, have more impact, than they will ever, can ever, know.


* * * *

You know You are That I Am.


* * * *

You are not going to do well in uppity company if you are not uppity.


* * * *

The big challenge with being sneaky, is not looking suspicious.


* * * *

The treasure may never be found if you do not read this.


* * * *

There blows curiosity.


* * * *

Born back into that which is prior to space and time every time you awaken.


* * * *

I know that guy, and there is no way he is a prophet; pretty sure he was odd, back in the day, too.


* * * *

Narcissistic and hedonism, where would vanity be, without them?


* * * *

Always do your best.


* * * *

Who, what, where, when, why, how, is there to go, without senses and mind to read it.


* * * *

There you go again, thinking all this real … and again … and again … and again …


* * * *

Space programs are run by geeks, suckled on Star Trek and Star Wars, who fell for the propaganda.


* * * *

Unless you are a master criminal out of the womb, you are going to get caught every now and again.


* * * *

A good, full breath; keep it simple.


* * * *

Your choices have been through what rational process, again?


* * * * 

Be care free.


* * * *

Not misogynist, just tired of all the bullshit.


* * * *

Stress is your being anywhere but right-here-right-now.


* * * *

You paint a good face.


* * * *

The past is not a matter of choice; the future is not a matter of choice; you are not a matter of choice


* * * *

Try not to believe in all the pain, nor anticipate it, either.


* * * *

If you use drugs to see this, then be sure to keep on practicing in more sober moments, as well.


* * * *

Instead of an accumulation mindset, develop a let-go everything mindset.


* * * *

Suffer well, fool.


* * * *

Imagine, if you had to start learning everything, all over again.


* * * *

Release the doubt.


* * * *

Right and wrong are dictated by cultural mindsets, shaped in every manner, by the winds of time.


* * * *

You are a means for the mystery to explore existence.


* * * *

Imagination built its world, its universe, and it is up to you to reassert your Self.


* * * *

There is no deity on high; just a lot of very nasty, mean people on low.


* * * *

To pick a side, or not pick a side, that is the question.


* * * *

Oh, the things you shall never see.


* * * *

So it goes, for another head on the chopping block.


* * * *

The accuracy of any translation is always subject to the translator’s frame of reference.


* * * *

Be first on your block to have this for free.


* * * *

Is it, do not stop thinking to breathe, or, do not stop breathing to think?


* * * *

Damned imagination.


* * * *

A piece of paper does not for intelligence make.


* * * *

To have no imaginary self-image, what would that be like?


* * * *

Another life misspent on the pursuit of trivia.


* * * *

The end of forever is nigh.


* * * *

Mother Nature sends the waves; ride them, or die.


* * * *

Why fear oblivion? It is what you truly are.


* * * *

Infinity does not touch what you really are; nor does infinitesimal, for that matter.


* * * *

If it is imagined, it is not real.


* * * *

Adrift in the Sea of Relativity.


* * * *

Best stay home if you do not want your vanity rung.


* * * *

When that last wheezing breath finally exits, will you be content to let it all go?


* * * *

Challenging to do something, for which you have neither interest nor passion.


* * * *

The same eye in all.


* * * *

Closer and closer to the edge; how close will you take it, before it takes you?


* * * *

What an adept translator would be required to convert this work to any other language.


* * * *

What is written cannot be unwritten; it can, however, be burned.


* * * *

How many of the world’s endless array vexations have been caused by oxygen deprivation?


* * * *

When the world calls out, you need not always listen.


* * * *

That breath matters far more than what someone thinks about you.


* * * *

How little you really-truly know, smartypants.


* * * *

How can it not be the same awareness, the same unborn-undying mystery, in all?


* * * *

Eternity is right here, right now, this very singular, timeless, spaceless moment; cease looking for more.


* * * *

After all the names that have been it, is not Mystery the most accurate?


* * * *

When was it that you first became concerned what others thought of you?


* * * *

If something touches you negatively, you must believe it, at least in part, true.


* * * *

This is free, no obligation, monetary or otherwise, take it as such.


* * * *

What would you be like if you had not been domesticated, if you had not been educated?


* * * *

The divinity you seek, is the awareness you are, a candle in the abyss.


* * * *

Beware: Many will be only too happy to embezzle whatever you wittingly or unwittingly allow.


* * * *

One nap is good, two is better, three, a rival to nirvana.


* * * *

Occasionally, you serendipitously run into a fellow seer, and perhaps spend some seer-sage time.


* * * *

How alone you are, depends how deeply you have probed.


* * * *

Ain't pride a bitch?


* * * *

A seer sees, a sage shares, seeker listens, a fool laughs.


* * * *

A little humility, letting go the vanity-vanity show, makes for a more serene mind.


* * * *

Nothing to assert, nothing to emote, nothing to avoid.


* * * *

How domesticated are you?


* * * *

What is future? What is past? What is forever? Without time, without space, without illusion?


* * * *



* * * *

And is not that the way, for all?


* * * *

Arrogance can get you broken or dead, if you inflict it on the wrong people.


* * * *

Be eternity.


* * * *

Why be humble, why not be humble, about awakening?


* * * *

If you can kill a fly or spider, you can kill anything.


* * * *

Whatever you are doing right now is the most important thing the moment has to offer.


* * * *

A good, full, mindful breath, is the best way to embrace your Self.


* * * *

What a challenge for the mind to let go everything, to not care for anything.


* * * *

Organic thinking is the best.


* * * *

Who will ever know, but you?


* * * *

Show me someone who has survived death, and I will point to the caveat emptor tag.


* * * *

This most definitely, is not, Kardashian fodder.


* * * *

The mystery, solved, in that sort of sideways-topsy-turvy-inside-out-convoluted-mangled way.


* * * *

Wipe the slate clean.


* * * *

You deserve as many good, full breaths, as attention allows.


* * * *

It is on you, alone, to get un-educated, un-conditioned, un-brainwashed, un-mesmerized.


* * * *

That guy over there, yeah, that one, he has a bridge for sale.


* * * *

Chances are, a few deep breaths will be a great aid in solving most problems.


* * * *

You are ever the mystery, no matter how you cloak it.


* * * *

To stand alone, free and clear, of all imaginary notion, is not for all.


* * * *

Deconstruction the lie is a challenge for any mind.


* * * *

Woke up again this morning.


* * * *

To truly not care what anyone thinks about you, what would that be like? How domesticated are you?


* * * *

Deconstructing a lie, is a challenge for any mind.


* * * *

Caveat emptor.


* * * *

Your most faithful love affair should be with your breath.


* * * *

The awareness is the mystery; the mystery is the awareness.


* * * *

Breathe it in, breathe it out


* * * *

Yes, we all are.


* * * *

Alas, that some friendships do not go on forever, and some, ever happened.


* * * *

What do you have to do to survive, the primary directive.


* * * *

Set not limits, and you will have none.


* * * *

Do not confuse giving with generosity.


* * * *

How can anyone claim to know anything, really? Absurdity notwithstanding.


* * * *

Cloaking a blob in the finest mask and costume in the cosmos, does not make it any less a blob.


* * * *

Is there really anything left to take seriously, absurdity reigns, why are you not rolling in the aisles?


* * * *

Dying to little self is not easy; simple, yes, easy, no.


* * * *

Many little lies make for the big lie.


* * * *

Blobs liking blobs, blobs loving blobs, blobs hating blobs, the human paradigm in a nutshell.


* * * *

Civilization is just a fancy word, an adroit euphemism, for domestication.


* * * *

Surrendering to one’s fate, is not a choice.


* * * *

Yes, you will likely forget that, too, no worries.


* * * *

The house of cards is not looking very sturdy; what will we do without our screens?


* * * *

Are you dead, yet?


* * * *

Close this page immediately.


* * * *

Blob in, blob out.


* * * *

The future is headed for the ropes.


* * * *

Anonymous or not, to some degree, you are on display.


* * * *

Surf the absurdly.


* * * *

Life need not be exciting to be entertaining.


* * * *

To truly not care, is not something that needs imagining.


* * * *

Finally got the joke.


* * * *

Like tossing a candle into the wind.


* * * *

We all shape the dynamic we pass through; we are all shaped by the dynamic we pass through.


* * * *

Even aliens are blobs.


* * * *

Stressing over everything, what kind of life is that?


* * * *

Checks and balances are required in the management of corruption.


* * * *

We loves our drama.


* * * *

Gods are lies that minds together build into cult fictions.


* * * *

Do you see if clearly enough to change it, or is that even possible?


* * * *

Are you rolling in the aisles, yet?


* * * *

If breath was more of a priority, how many distractions would find the same time?


* * * *

Embrace or reject your nature-nurture patterning, that is your patterning unfolding.


* * * *

Embrace your breath.


* * * *

Hard to take a blob seriously.


* * * *

Why are you not rolling-in-the-aisles at all the absurdity?


* * * *

All memories, all perceptions, are equal players on the neuron trail.


* * * *

Yet another blob with airs.


* * * *

The trick is to enjoy your own show, and depart content. 


* * * *

Cult fiction.


* * * *

The obesity! The obesity!


* * * *

Blobs all, each and every one.


* * * *

Anything taken over by a group mind is destined to achieve great acclaim in the absurdity column.


* * * *

Mother Earth is womb extraordinaire.


* * * *



* * * *

A labyrinth of the bizarre, the confusing, and the nonsensical.


* * * *

Feeling a tad spiteful today, eh?


* * * *

Yet another story that will not warrant a telling.


* * * *

Scratches on the timeline that we are, nobody is really remembered long enough to get all pretentious.


* * * *

What price are you, and everyone around you, saying for your dearth of humility today?


* * * *

Why identify your Self with a mass, a glob, a blob, of protoplasm?


* * * *

Humankind must surely be the most absurd species Mother Nature has ever created.


* * * *

Without the screen of knowing, what is there?


* * * *

Unclench the monkey mind.


* * * *

Free your Self of all encumbrances, at least the imaginary versions.


* * * *

Humility is a lot less about your imaginary self.


* * * *

How much rape and pillage can any world withstand?


* * * *

A mystery, engaged in a dream.


* * * *

Curiosity makes for never-ending homework.


* * * *

Why not all of the above?


* * * *

Let imagination race on ahead; you will be there when it arrives.


* * * *

A certain amount of wit is required to harness the absurdity riding the wave of irony and paradox.


* * * *

In a crowd, walk alone.


* * * *

No future can be predicted; no past, negated.


* * * *

Identify with the now.


* * * *

Punctuation directs the reader how the author intended it be said.


* * * *

Anonymous within is the best.


* * * *

Irony and paradox go especially well with healthy helpings of absurdity.


* * * *

Every gold rush peters out to prospector ponzi.


* * * *

Never let an assumption stand without merit.


* * * *

Manage your curiosity.


* * * *

So, you really believe no one has ever done that?


* * * *

We are all blobs with airs; what’s vanity for, if not to be unfurled?


* * * *

You are witness to the infinity of absurdity.


* * * *

Another day of anonymity.


* * * *

If there is division or notion out and about, you are still a ways from home-sweet-home.


* * * *

Unfurl into that momentary awareness.


* * * *

In forgetting yourself, so goes any concern, that ‘others’ remember a ‘you’, that was but a dream.


* * * *

There might be something closer to the truth.


* * * *

The whirlwind of imagination leaves no mind untouched.


* * * *

No one gets into a corrupt club unless they are.


* * * *

How too many is too many?


* * * *

Someday that jock and cheerleader will look the blobs they are.


* * * *

Absurdity is very adept at playing sides and middles against themselves in permutations beyond counting.


* * * *

Is there ever to be an end to this rope?


* * * *

Mmm, who’d have thunk it.


* * * *

Putting into words what words can only tell.


* * * *

Hard to imagine how that design managed to somehow survive and reproduce since the pool of inception.


* * * *

There is no meaning and purpose but what the usurper, imagination, arbitrarily concocts.


* * * *

All roads lead home if you are called.


* * * *

What a state of mind to hate something so much that you would do anything to destroy it.


* * * *

Science is a tune which too few listen.


* * * *

Stop imagining your Self into something You are not, never were, will never be.


* * * *

Being human, or any other earthing, is a fatal flaw.


* * * *

Jesus and Buddha were blobs, too.


* * * *

Is awareness very large, is awareness very small, is awareness even a smidgeon at all?


* * * *

Everybody suffers; even jocks and cheerleaders.


* * * *

The next moment will arrive and depart so quickly, you will not even see it.


* * * *

Nature is the one and only true church, and your guardianship, the tithing.


* * * *

What is freedom but the absence of attachment to illusion.


* * * *

Judge, and you will be judged, mostly by your imaginary self.


* * * *

Fate is a whirlpool, through which all are flushed.


* * * *

… this leads to this leads to this leads to this leads to this leads to this leads to …


* * * *

Do you really need to have that conversation ever again?


* * * *

Take responsibility


* * * *

Let go of all that crap; it is not You.


* * * *

What greater longing can there be than to return to the original state?


* * * *

Where would you be without all that curiosity?


* * * *

Love thine enemies, because hate eats you up far more than it will them.


* * * *

Consciousness, coupled with instinct, is insatiable.


* * * *

Nationalism is the face of tribalism in the uncivil civilized world.


* * * *

Trying to break a bad habit proves why they are bad.


* * * *

Fate makes dust of all.


* * * *

Sometimes any choice is the choice, sometimes no choice is the choice.


* * * *

We cannot all be right, but we can all be wrong.


* * * *

There is no yoke, no burden, but the one you choose to imagine.


* * * *

Hope springs delusional.


* * * *

Can any following ever not create some sort of unnecessary mischief?


* * * *

All Ponzi schemes have their shelf life.


* * * *

What attachment we have to the geography into which we are cast.


* * * *

Death is the rest of the story playing on without you.


* * * *

The mystery is the master of possibility.


* * * *

Always feel free to return to the ground zero of awareness.


* * * *

Garden or prison? Depends how you design and light your mind.


* * * *

Yesterday showed up again.


* * * *

Attachment to outcomes is a great source of pain and suffering.


* * * *

See you yesterday.


* * * *

See if you can see their world through your mind’s eye.


* * * *

Think what you think, do what you do, be what you are.


* * * *

How vain was that?!


* * * *

Illusion delusion is the answer to why any one blob is favored over another.


* * * *

Most every soul seems to have a price; what is yours?


* * * *

It does not take much to throw a day off, if you let it.


* * * *

Like anybody’s really going to care; and even if they do, so what/


* * * *

There’s the no-brainer.


* * * *

Another thinker diving into the storm.


* * * *

Science has proven what meditation could only know.


* * * *

How do we allow history to dictate our now?


* * * *

Another testament, neither new nor old.


* * * *

All life forms, from the single-celled to the many, have an appointment with destiny.


* * * *

Quantum is as quantum does.


* * * *

Your vocation is whatever you spend the end of your life most enjoying.


* * * *

Is a jellyfish any more or less vain?


* * * *

Embrace your fate or not, something is going to happen.


* * * *

Freedom is a state of mind.


* * * *

Vain globules of protoplasm.


* * * *

The conscious witness is a rare breed.


* * * *

Into the storm, sally the thinkers.


* * * *

What anyone thinks of you need not be your business.


* * * *

This is all assuming you want to be free, of course.


* * * *

Hate to be the asshole, but you got there before I did.


* * * *

Your consciousness is unique to you, your awareness, common to all.


* * * *

Time does not exist, but passes very quickly.


* * * *

History is indifferent to all the actors it has killed.


* * * *

Classic Animal Farm.


* * * *

Existence is nothing more than sensory illusion stoked by imaginary context.


* * * *

Listen for the applause in the graveyard.


* * * *

As if you have not thought of that before, as if you have not done that before.


* * * *

Yet another example of how love really works.


* * * *

Disinterest not easy to muster in the face of so many enticing options.


* * * *

Me-me-me, too.


* * * *

Go spew your delusions elsewhere, por favor.


* * * *

Free and clear all the time? Where would be the suffering in that?


* * * *

A certain level of pragmatic detachment is certainly much easier on the mind-body.


* * * *

What can you expect from a blob, anyway?


* * * *

Irony and paradox rule, and anarchy is the conductor.


* * * *

Existence is about parry and thrust, maneuver and fire, create or destroy.


* * * *

Surprise attacks are not known for giving warning.


* * * *

Reality is not near as interesting as what geeks have put on our screens.


* * * *

Paradigms beyond counting.


* * * *

Turn on the disinterest, switch off the senses, be the momentary, timeless awareness.


* * * *

Might makes right, might makes wrong.


* * * *

Oblivion is the great neutralizer


* * * *

Greatest common factor, least common factor, same difference.


* * * *

Give pause to reflection as the moment calls.


* * * *

True believers are like that.


* * * *

Irony and paradox are as boundless as absurdity allows.


* * * *

Speak truth to power at your own risk.


* * * *

Nothing is free and clear.


* * * *

History only carries weight as long as imagination deigns it so.


* * * *

A life of serendipity is not for all.


* * * *

You have no say in the matter.


* * * *

Another trip down Vanity Lane


* * * *

You are all possibilities.


* * * *

Might makes right, works for all those who choose to abide the lash.


* * * *

Blobs with genetically allotted packaging.


* * * *

History is a long play chock-full of everything impromptu, often in need of editing.


* * * *

Riding the blade of illusion.


* * * *

All life forms are nothing more than naturally-selected, packaged blobs 


* * * *

Half full, half empty, that glass got recycled a long time ago.


* * * *

Death is the end of history, and all its future-pasts.


* * * *

Hope is dead, long live hope.


* * * *

You have been blobbed.


* * * *

Another cautionary tale bites the dust.


* * * *

You have three choices: A bullet, a cave, or out in the open, participating.


* * * *

Packaged blobs.


* * * *

Hard to be joyous on a day that is not going well.


* * * *

Imagine all the history you will never know.


* * * *

Take yourself seriously, and you will suffer the passions, same as most everyone else.


* * * *

How far can light travel?


* * * *

And there you were, hoping for enlightened leadership.


* * * *

Of the unanswerable questions, you will know as much when you exit, as you did, coming in.


* * * *

As real as Santa Claus.


* * * *

Another day, another night, through which to frolic or tiptoe or sit or recline, as you will.


* * * *

Predator and prey, host and guest, all play all parts in the Darwinian dance.


* * * *

Down the rabbit hole until it becomes home.


* * * *

The truth is right now, right here; what more do you need to know?


* * * *

Define your terms.


* * * *

History does not care what is written in its sandy pages.


* * * *

Not everyone relishes the spotlight.


* * * *

Darwin’s ghost is in every strand of the garden.


* * * *

More no-see-um joy.


* * * *

Human folly is the depth of unfathomable.


* * * *

Dang, you just save the universe, and no one was watching.


* * * *

A dogmatic inheritance.


* * * *

History is a perpetual fountain of curiosity.


* * * *

Another day in the dream that quantum built.


* * * *

The muddy stream flows on and on.


* * * *

Oops, missed another memo.


* * * *

There are many faces to absurdity.


* * * *

The womb is central casting.


* * * *

An unsolved problem only festers.


* * * *

A remarkable dream, but a dream nonetheless.


* * * *

Once again, you mistakenly believed it mattered.


* * * *

Where is time in a moment? 


* * * *

Could a fish be any more slippery than imagination?


* * * *

If you think You asked for this, think again.


* * * 

Another day in paradox.


* * * *

It don’t got the legs for that journey.


* * * *

Blob this.


* * * *

History is chock-full of idolatry.


* * * *

History is an orphan, history has no children.


* * * *

History stokes itself into every variety of mayhem.


* * * *

Another layer of sediment in the dustbin of history.


* * * *

Me Too, or Wah-Wah Too?


* * * *

We were all born to do whatever we are doing; fate is as fate does.


* * * *

Philosophy rules the endgame.


* * * *

Even your unpredictable is predictable.


* * * *

There are always sheeples ready to step-right-up to con after con.


* * * *

Doubt, until the doubting’s done.


* * * *

The dream, the illusion, only seems real in the given moment.


* * * *

Destiny is, each and every timeless moment, choreographing your arrival.


* * * *

Why should you care what another blob thinks of you?


* * * *

As original as original gets.


* * * *

Your destiny awaits your arrival; die to it now, if you can.


* * * *

Never interfere with commerce.


* * * *

Yours may seem a complex, superior pattern, but you are as caught in it, as any jellyfish is its.


* * * *

The sands of time have got nothing to do with anything.


* * * *

To consider duality more than a concept devised by human vanity, is as absurd as absurd gets.


* * * *

Give your Self over to what You really are, and are not, in this eternal moment.


* * * *

There are no teachers; only students who choose to listen, to learn, from everything.


* * * *

Birth is the first illusion, and death, the last.


* * * *

Mother Nature is loyal to all and none.


* * * *

To hold fast requires great diligence.


* * * *

Why feel the need to believe in anything?


* * * *

Imagine the Darwinian peace of Eden before the fruit of imagination was plucked.


* * * *

What is there in the moment, to master, really?


* * * *

Arguing whether or not some deity on high created this dreamtime, is so yawn.


* * * *

Seriously folks, who reads footnotes?


* * * *

Who could ever play you better than you?


* * * *

You are forgotten by eternity every moment.


* * * *

You call that Truth?!


* * * *

The moment finds harbor in a still, attentive, untethered mind


* * * *

You are stuck in a body with its version of You.


* * * *

When did you first start feeling sorry for your imaginary self?


* * * *

Nothing means nothing.


* * * *

An earnest student of life, holds on to nothing which is not as true, as the given nature-nurture allows.


* * * *

Twas fate, drove you here.


* * * *

The things you do to your Self.


* * * *

Sometimes you just gotta kick the other out of your head.


* * * *

Anything possible, does not make it probable.


* * * *

All have access to the same immaculate nature, if they let go everything that is not.


* * * *

Duality is a concept, not a reality.


* * * *

The world is in your head in whatever way you allow imagination to play it, or not.


* * * *

Own it without owning it.


* * * *

Just another genre.


* * * *

Submit to the laws of nature, or suffer the consequences.


* * * *

How is it not obvious?


* * * *

It does not take much time for shysters to put distance between sheeples and truth.


* * * *

To see clearly, simply look with simple eyes.


* * * *

No thought is You.


* * * *

Why would you want to leave, when the fun’s just beginning?


* * * *

Grass roots politics is the most organic.


* * * *

A genetic disorder to which adaption is ill-suited.


* * * *

The monkey-fist gene strikes again.


* * * *

That succulent young flesh, too, will fade and grow sickly.


* * * *

Justice is just rationalized revenge.


* * * *

History is the crockpot of imagination.


* * * *

Nothing you imagine is ultimately real.


* * * *

All we are is blobs with airs.


* * * *

As the fates allow.


* * * *

The moment; to be it, or not be it, that is the answer.


* * * *

Newspapers and magazines sketch history long before it reaches the Ivory Tower.


* * * *

Death is the end of all entitlement.


* * * *

That old brain just ain’t what you like to believe it was.


* * * *

Yet another monkey-fist day.


* * * *

The real you think is real, is not, was not, will never be, the real that is.


* * * *

An autodidactic take.


* * * *

What was the first entitlement, and what will be the last?


* * * *

Bargaining with the demon mind again, eh?


* * * *

Truth is not in any thought about it.


* * * *

Imagination is always chasing around after reality.


* * * *

Why would any deity not want to experience its creation through the eyes you believe yours?


* * * *

We all hope it will not happen in our lifetimes.


* * * *

Wisdom is the distillation of Self.


* * * *

All history boils down to vanity and greed, and the sea of desire and fear in which they tirelessly swim.


* * * *

Awareness is the genius within all life.


* * * *

Always keep an executioner’s block within easy reach.


* * * *

The Kardashians, can anyone, need anyone, say more?


* * * *

High scores in the vanity column.


* * * *

Rhetoric: the art of lying to your Self.


* * * *

Duality makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever.


* * * *

You would not be reading this if you were the black-and-white-no-gray-allowed sort.


* * * *

The madness spirals on and on.


* * * *

If you truly love your children, do not bring them here.


* * * *

Nobody proves anything by being stupid or cruel.


* * * *

Just because you do not want to hear something, does not mean it is not true.


* * * *

When the dying is all said and done, only the awareness remains.


* * * *

Never too late to lighten the load.


* * * *

If you are content to be happy, breath first, think later.


* * * *

It would be just your luck to be that vain.


* * * *

If you think life is monotonous, imagine eternity.


* * * *

If time was real, you would not need a machine to travel it.


* * * *

Going through the motions.


* * * *

Shit happens: The only question is, who gets to clean it up.


* * * *

Eternity is only as boring as the mind you give it.


* * * *

Why would any deity not want to experience everything for itself?


* * * *

You are the customer, and you are pretty sure you are right.


* * * *

Gaze out into the cosmos, and the eye peering back is ever your own.


* * * *

Different perceptions of most everything do not for an elephant make.


* * * *

To be born you, good luck, bad luck, mas y menos, meh, you decide.


* * * *

Very few wander far from their cave of origin.


* * * *

Contentment takes practice.


* * * *

Everyone has an appointment with destiny, which only imagination differentiates.


* * * *

The maelstrom of imagination rolls on and on with impunity, through the oblivion of awareness.


* * * *

Very Darwinian.


* * * *

This fine mess, this cluster-fuck, has taken on epic proportions.


* * * *

Good breathing makes for better decision-making; a clear head is a well-oxygenated head.


* * * *

What other fellow earthing makes such a fuss as we?


* * * *

Far easier to drift off into some imaginary filament, than it is to simply take a mindful breath.


* * * *

How can truth ever be bound to any tribal mindset?


* * * *

Atlas shrugged, so can you; if not always, at least an occasional shift into neutral.


* * * *

Yet another mind mesmerized by its nature-nurture.


* * * *

Some require a fiefdom to prove their worth, to slake their greed, to play their vanity.


* * * *

Runny full, running empty, you evert moment choose.


* * * *

That only works in books and screenplays, sorry.


* * * *

No dearth of absurdity in every arena.


* * * *

Imagination entices each into its theater it every way they can imagine.


* * * *

If you believe you have a choice, pull that trigger now, or not.


* * * *

Consciousness, a.k.a. imagination, is far too ephemeral to last long in eternity.


* * * *

Solitude is a precious thing; not something to be squandered lightly.


* * * *

Imagination is having a field day.


* * * *

Genetic lottery rules.


* * * *

Maybe the aliens are smart enough for us not to know they already are in charge.


* * * *

Yet another cha-ching opportunity for the entitled.


* * * *

Best get enough impulse control to avoid running out in front of some truck.


* * * *

Yet another cha-ching opportunity for the entitled.


* * * *

Discern the agonies and ecstasies in the memories that shaped who you pretend to be.


* * * *

The truest fool is, without bounds.


* * * *

Be the immortal stillness.


* * * *

What Self-respecting Buddha would not have shut up long ago?


* * * *

The challenge is getting through this dreamtime without making it personal, without taking it personal.


* * * * 

Slavery has many faces, shaped by culture, by time, by geography, and who is carrying the whip.


* * * *

It took how many years to figure that out?


* * * *

Challenging to remember to be awake all the time; delusion is a loud clarion in every human sojourn.


* * * *

Guess that sounds good.


* * * *

Genetic lottery is all.


* * * *

Linear thinking will not be what gets you out of that lizard brain.


* * * *

No face to see.


* * * *

You know the show is over when even the Tralfamadorians yawn.


* * * *

The Great Nada awaits.


* * * *

The over the next hill gang is about exploring, not aging.


* * * *

That poor soul’s life is probably already harsh enough without your cruel input?


* * * *

Life is ripples unending.


* * * *

The point of being inscrutable is to keep people guessing, perchance even think for themselves.


* * * *

The entire human paradigm could be summed to being nothing more than mental masturbation.


* * * *

What part and parcel of pointlessness are you not catching?


* * * *

Another yesterday.


* * * *

You are helpless to change anything.


* * * *

How different the state of mind wandering through a world filled with blobs.


* * * *

A blob by any name, is still a blob.


* * * *

So-called enlightenment is when you first exit the cave; the rest is the liberation part.


* * * *

Warrior or coward, you every moment decide.


* * * *

Name that blob.


* * * *

With or without a master, you are but a puppet.


* * * *

Hard for vanity to understand why the world is not rushing to your door.


* * * *

Always yesterday.


* * * *

As if there is anything more important than breathing.


* * * *

Awareness can only, with great effort, regain control from the usurper, imagination.


* * * *

It ain’t awareness that’s moving.


* * * *

There is no more, there is no less, there is only this moment, right here, right now.


* * * *

Human beings so love history, so love tradition, that little or none is required to make them up.


* * * *

Entitlement is going to take a hit in the relatively near soon.


* * * *

Respect oils the ceaseless machinations of power.


* * * *

Is the world you dream anything but a pacifier?


* * * *

Mother Nature rolls over any who cannot, or will not, adapt to her intemperate ways.


* * * *

What is death but the return to the undivided attention of eternity.


* * * *

To judge another for what nature-nurture made them, what would be the point?


* * * *

From a snowflake, an avalanche.


* * * *

Piles of gold will mean nothing when there is no world left to spend it in.


* * * *

All fates are imagined.


* * * *

Look where your curiosity, or lack of it, coupled with your nature-nurture, has taken you.


* * * *

Yup, you will be forgetting that, too.


* * * *

A different way of looking.


* * * *

Imagination, only as real as the moment in which it appears.


* * * *

History is but a muddle of facts and lies melded into the means and ends in play.


* * * *

Are you a pretender, pretending to be you? Or an attender, being You?


* * * *

How quickly that glory fades.


* * * *

Just enough, and no more.


* * * *

Ascertaining truth is not a tribal-committee-groupthink choice.


* * * *

How indifferent the sky is, to the clouds wafting every which-way.


* * * *

The mind is an insatiable beast.


* * * *

Even angels, even demons, even you, have a choice not to give in to the nature-nurture programming.


* * * *

Root for awareness; bet on imagination.


* * * *

You will only be lost if your compass is not You.


* * * *

The abyss is not near as entertaining as Never Never Land.


* * * *

Clear or dim, vague perceptions are all you have, to cling to the life, you imagine you have lived.


* * *

What is here today, will very surely, be gone tomorrow.


* * * *

What is long ago, what is long hence, in the relativity of the timelessness of eternity?


* * * *

Pride is the fiend; humility, the spirit.


* * * *

Right-relationship with nature does not corrupt the spirit.


* * * *

Hard to un-see anything.


* * * *

To be totally present, is to embrace the nothingness.


* * * *

Emotion is not a bastion of rationality.


* * * *

Make awareness the default setting, and serenity will reign within.


* * * *

Yes, I am Shiva. And so are You. No, I am not Shiva. And neither are You.


* * * *

All by your alonesome.


* * * *

Hard to argue with a dead man.


* * * *

Go ahead, get stuck, stay stuck, abide in stuckness, forever and ever, if you like.


* * * *

The genetic lottery is every moment spun by Darwinian selection.


* * * *

Wonder what your God is going to do with you.


* * * *

Any given alliance only lasts as long as the alliance suits the means and ends.


* * * *

So Goldilocks!


* * * *

You are imagination, imagining this mind-body, this slab of meat, real.


* * * *

You are found in space.


* * * *

If it occurs to you, it may not be true.


* * * *

Use thoughts such as these as a launchpad, not an orbit.


* * * *

Yup, too bad you didn’t think of that first.


* * * *

Awareness, impartial witness to all creation.


* * * *

Even the greatest civilization cannot suspend the Darwinian selection being every moment spun.


* * * *

The you, you imagine real, is not, was not, will never be, the You, prior to consciousness.


* * * *

Everything is connected, except human consciousness.


* * * *

Is the Ivory Tower ultimately anything more than another priesthood looking for a paycheck?


* * * *

Awareness is the ever-presence.


* * * *

Are you really going to let an algorithm play guilt trips on you?


* * * *

No try, do.


* * * *

Activism is a state of intrigue not easily maintained an entire lifetime.


* * * *

The dream of consciousness is always after the fact.


* * * *

Without imagination, who-what-when-where-why-how are you?


* * * *

We all gots our fate.


* * * *

So exciting all the ways you can die; too bad you only get one.


* * * *

There just is not enough money or entertainment or pleasure in truth to make it popular.


* * * *

Swimming well is about finding the sleek spot.


* * * *

Call it Genesis, call it Big Bang, call it whatever, same mystery.


* * * *

Humankind expands its limits every moment into the same old grooves.


* * * *

The nothing way has nothing to offer.


* * * *

Tool-making is a great skill set, but how many tools in your collection do you really use?


* * * *

As pilot fish are to sharks, imagination is to awareness.


* * * *

Imagination is the Genie let out of Pandora’s Box.


* * * *

In compromise, no one is ever happy, but they are at peace.


* * * *

Imagination is the elephant in the middle of the room.


* * * *

Imagination is the what the Seven Blind Men cannot see.


* * * *

Water is God’s elixir.


* * * *

Only through imagination is there the known.


* * * *

We human becomings certainly do love our certainty.


* * * *

More than required.


* * * *

Life evolves into whatever niche grants its survival.


* * * *

Many a man has been made by a woman into a domesticated weenie, no longer fit for consumption.


* * * *

Only in imagination does the flag move.


* * * *

To know the root of a problem, is not necessarily to get it solved.


* * * *

And here we are on the precipice, blind to how we got here.


* * * *

Extinction is the final solution.


* * * *

Imagination has an exceedingly long rap sheet, of difficulty leaving well enough alone.


* * * *

Untether your Self.


* * * *

The real You, the awareness You, is not, has never been, will never be, the imagined you.


* * * *

Yet another round of mental masturbation for those who have wandered through the ivory tower.


* * * *

The right side of history beckons those who submit.


* * * *

What a difference a little decimal can make.


* * * *

Everything is predicable, looking back.


* * * *

Who is the wealthiest man in the world, but the one most content with his lot.


* * * *

Leave-well-enough-alone challenged


* * * *

Imagination is no different than any opportunist, any parasite, any soulsucker.


* * * *

The worms do not care who you were, or what you did.


* * * *

Survive today, minion, so you can serve again tomorrow, and all tomorrows hence.


* * * *

To reach a goal, without fanfare, that is process.


* * * *

Good government is about filling the potholes everywhere you drive.


* * * *

Another day of futility underway.


* * * *

Drugs are magic carpets for riders to ride however nature-nurture allows.


* * * *

No zealots allowed.


* * * *

Above and beyond.


* * * *

The aliens don’t bother about us because they know a loser when they see it.


* * * *

All conflicts are born of differences of imaginary proportion.


* * * *

If you believe your imagination has any reality, whatsoever, you are a prisoner of its dream.


* * * *

Forgiveness is just an empty word to the dogmatic.


* * * *

What happens when the mind totally unclenches?

* * * *

Everything is done and gone as soon as it happens, no matter how you in imagination cling.

* * * *

The world does not revolve around you; it kaleidoscopes within the timeless eye of awareness.

* * * *

All memories are the ghosts we carry.

* * * *

Approach imagination as you would any adversary in the arena.

* * * *

As you scan this, gazillions beyond gazillions of moments, have streamed before the awareness you are.

* * * *

Do not focus upon breath, focus upon mind, into which the mystery simultaneously enters and exits.

* * * *

Dust to dust, and organized dust between.

* * * *

It is never bad policy to always check your work, always look back, always look twice.

* * * *

The Planet of the Apes, indeed.

* * * *

What is that deep sorrow that haunts so many, but the schism between imaginary self and absolute Self.

* * * *

Civilization is founded upon the domestication of everything.

* * * *

What limits can there be to minds aligned with nature?

* * * *

There is no world, no cosmos, no dream, whatsoever, but the one you imagine right now.

* * * *

You are not the witness, You are the witnessing.

* * * *

Nothing that has ever happened has had any bearing on the eternal moment.

* * * *

You say that like you really know something.

* * * *

The happenchances of happenstance are serendipities unending.

* * * *

And you call that free will?

* * * *

Imagination know nothing but what it formulates; of the unknown it can only speculate.

* * * *

History is a lie that weaves on and on, bending the minds of whoever gives it ear.

* * * *

​Another yesterday underway.

* * * *

Is there anything that is not against the law anymore?​

* * * *

Moderation is not without its relativity.

* * * *

The further you bury your head, the less you will see.

* * * *

As MacBeth (Shakespeare) put it: It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

* * * *

Being inwardly invisible is a quality of mind not easily attained.

* * * *

You are as free as you allow your Self to be.

* * * *

So, you still have not seen, have not played, that rodeo enough times already, eh?

* * * *

So much ado over nothing.

* * * *

The timeless awareness is not you, it is You.

* * * *

Takes two to tango.

* * * *

Any actor who believes the part they play, real, is a fool in search of a wake-up call.

* * * *

Good-bye, Cruel World, someday.

* * * *

How fortunate you are if you feel blessed by your dream.

* * * *

What is that state of mind when nothing matters?

* * * *

Who was the first to become embarrassed about their orifices?

* * * *

History is tethered to imagination, and imagination is only as real as you imagine.

* * * *

You cannot grasp it; you cannot become it, you can only be it.

* * * *

Oh boy, another way for you to waste time until it wastes you.

* * * *

How can another’s world long interest them more than their own?

* * * *

What happens to all the deities and demons, when the cultures that worshipped them disappear?

* * * *

Moderation in all things is always good policy.

* * * *

If there is a God, do we really look any bigger than bacteria from on high?

* * * *

Score: … Vanity and Greed, Everything … Guardianship, Zip.

* * * *

What is the point of rhetoric as far as awareness is concerned?

* * * *

Words can imprison, words can free, how they are used, how they are perceived, is the key.

* * * *

There you go, finally figured it out.

* * * *

Would you have been a human being if you had been alone from birth.

* * * *

Death will be the same as life, but without sensory input or a mind to process it.

* * * *

You must listen very closely, to hear the eternal silence.

* * * *

Demons of every ilk abound; angels must tread carefully.

* * * *

What did he mean by that, anyway?

* * * *

Keep placing your bets, ladies and gentlemen, fools and treasure are easily parted.

* * * *

That is a question for an as yet un-invented technology.

* * * *

Goals can blind you to the process, the now playing out one eternal moment at a time.

* * * *

Betrayal slices and twists deep in the loyal.

* * * *

Rest assured, something is always going to happen.

* * * *

Neither cosmos nor world slowed one iota for that death, either.

* * * *

Do you see the degree that this somewhat legalistic wordplay is tacking?

* * * *

Never believe you can be encapsulated by a sound given concept.

* * * *

What do you really truly know?

* * * *

Putting into words that which words can never tell.

* * * *

There are not enough zeros to count all the tortoises going up, much less down.

* * * *

Rest assured, you are already forgotten, as well.

* * * *

From the whole, all parts are discerned.

* * * *

Be wary what wolves you invite into the castle.

* * * *

Process that is organic is the best; when things bubble up naturally, without great effort.

* * * *

Facades are the chameleon’s art.

* * * *

To turn the competitive mind off, is not a winning strategy in the Darwinian theater.

* * * *

Solving problems requires a desire to want them solved.

* * * *

Habits die hard, and are inevitably replaced by new ones, not always better.

* * * *

Odds are, imagination has the better of you, of all our kind, for whatever dreamtime remains.

* * * *

What was the state of mind before desire and fear raised their self-indulgent heads?

* * * *

Awareness is the life force; genesis, merely the means.

* * * *

There is no need to fit your Self into any idea.

* * * *

How do you measure a moment?

* * * *

Where is there any direction in the stillness of the ever-present awareness?

* * * *

Yet another day of faking it, as best you can.

* * * *

Why would anybody already set in their way, care what you or I think?

* * * *

Original thinking, what would that be like, anyway?

* * * *

Maybe later, maybe.

* * * *

Face it, you are far too low on the totem pole to ever be apprised of any big answers.

* * * *

The examined life is its own blessing, and its own curse, as well.

* * * *

Dang, where did you put that blue pill?

* * * *

A lot of water under that bridge.

* * * *

Naps are little respites, little deaths, rehearsals for the real finale.

* * * *

Not you … You!

* * * *

And through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, you do every moment journey.

* * * *

No, it is not all about money.

* * * *

This, too, has been written by the whim of imagination.

* * * *

Another pretender to the throne.

* * * *

Imagination has got the better of you, yet again.

* * * *

If persuasion is required, then you are chasing a false lead, and moving on is your best bet.

* * * *

Some are born to lead, some, to follow, some to play out either role, as circumstance calls.

* * * *

Doing the right thing can be somewhat challenging for the Golden Ruled-challenged.

* * * *

Serendipity at its finest.

* * * *

An unfolding train wreck (a.k.a., cluster fuck).

* * * *

Serve the awareness, serve the moment, serve the matrix, serve the mystery, there is no other.

* * * *

Occasionally put a hold on looking for differences.

* * * *

The only meaningful questions are ones that can be answered.

* * * *

Do you really, really, really know anything about what you are looking at?

* * * *

From the whole, an infinity of parts.

* * * *

If it was the last bite, would you share it, if the moment called?

* * * *

As always, narcissism and hedonism, the usual suspects.

* * * *

To not want any of it, is as free as it gets.

* * * *

The larger cannot sustain without the smaller; the reverse is much less true.

* * * *

Greed is vanity spelled backwards.

* * * *

Lost in space, lost in time, lost in mind, You am found.

* * * *

Sometimes, it takes far too long to figure out the most obvious things.

* * * *

Maybe some other near soon.

* * * *

To be awareness is thinking without thinking.

* * * *

Learning so much means more to forget.

* * * *

You dance with others to appease your vanity, oftentimes by stoking theirs.

* * * *

Where is the first and last harbor, but You?

* * * *

Imagination is only as real as you imagine.

* * * *

To give speculation about unanswerable questions, any weight at all, is unutterably meaningless.

* * * *

There will always be mirages to entice you, sway you, every imaginable way.


* * * *

Yet another seeker who ran short of doubt.


* * * *

History proves again and again how much, how little, blood ties can mean.


* * * *

Swimming is letting the mystery caress its Self however the body moves.


* * * *

Fate’s alliance with death is in every history.


* * * *

Are we there, yet?


* * * *

There are those who seek, and those who find, and a cosmos between.


* * * *

Statistical sample abound.


* * * *

Power turns to downfall, fame to oblivion, fortune to ruin.


* * * *

Problems are generally solvable if grit and gumption are in play.


* * * *

Time for another walkabout.


* * * *

Your normal is just as normal as any other life form’s normal.


* * * *

How many times do you have to do something to finally grow weary of the drone?


* * * *

Another story, yawn.


* * * *

There is likely always going to be someone who can do it better, at least some of the time.


* * * *

Picky people tend to miss out enjoying themselves during all their pickiness.


* * * *

Todaze spew.


* * * *

Leave it to the human mind to spin a problem out of thin air.


* * * *

The potential in all minds, is harvested in relatively few.


* * * *

Dead before your time.


* * * *

Young flesh entices, old flesh repels.


* * * *

Inner eye, wide open.


* * * *

Another day of pleasant boredom underway.


* * * *

The body does not give up without whatever fight it can muster.


* * * *

Most minds are more attached to their stories, than they are the truth from which all stories come.


* * * *

Challenging to change the world if no one is changing.


* * * *

Who was the first? Well, you, of course.


* * * *

For the future, such as it is.


* * * *

What is it to be fully immersed in the momentary awareness, but the end of curiosity.


* * * *

My two cents, for what it is worth.


* * * *

There goes that four-letter H-word, hope, flitting about willy-nilly again.


* * * *

A bodyguard of lies protect every politic.


* * * *

The moment is the wave of time and space coursing through eternity.


* * * *

Well, that was a truthful moment.


* * * *

Will there every be an end to the ways we measure this quantum illusion?


* * * *

How high can the Ivory Tower go?


* * * *

Another good day to die.


* * * *

Abstract thinking tends to gain a life of its own.


* * * *

And what topics of discussion are on the menu today.


* * * *

Cubicle minds harbor no doubts.


* * * *

Life and Death are creations of the quantum kind.


* * * *

What need of any of it, really?


* * * *

You are not special, and certainly no more so than anyone else.


* * * *

Sorry you did it? Or sorry you got caught?


* * * *

And visa-versa.


* * * *

An unexpected journey.


* * * *

Never look for order when it comes to chaos, for it is order.


* * * *

Natural law trumps all.


* * * *

Darwin ruled in the way back when; like a finely-tuned watch.


* * * *

Be wary how ye toy with the elements, for they may well toy back within you.


* * * *

Your world is your language.


* * * *

Beneath a microscope, would you really look all that different than any microbe?


* * * *

The great obscurity beckons all.


* * * *

So, you will it so, do you? Good luck with that.


* * * *

Who can ever really know any time but their own?


* * * *

So, how good are you at following your own advice?


* * * *

Welcome to the spider’s den.


* * * *

How many zeros to the right, how many to the left, will we ever tire of imagining?


* * * *

What never was, what never will be.


* * * *

Assuming time can tell, what would it say?


* * * *

What is any mind but the playground of awareness.


* * * *

Metaphors and analogies shall no doubt abound to the very end.


* * * *

What an absurd joke, vanity.


* * * *

The mobile metaphor strikes again.


* * * *

Tough love ain’t easy.


* * * *

The ghost of philosophers haunt history with every concoction known to mind.


* * * *

Genomic alliances often prove dubious.


* * * *

Yet another day, same mind, same body, same instincts, same routine, same storyline.


* * * *

Awareness can do nothing more than witness; it is the unborn-undying, sleepless eye of eternity.


* * * *

Taking the Red Pill, the no-stone-unturned existence, is a quest to which few are inclined.


* * * *

The leap of faith is the end of imagination.


* * * *

Awareness has no attributes to measure; to even call it infinite or infinitesimal is absurd.


* * * *

Find solace in emptiness.


* * * *

Any fallacy, any delusion, any lie, can only usurp the truth in undiscerning minds.


* * * *

Humanikind’s Darwinian predisposition does not bode well for a long reign.


* * * *

The best kept secret are left to the dead.


* * * *

Whatever you do, whatever you do not do, when no one is watching, that is the bona fide you.


* * * *

Yet another bother on the horizon of already here-now.


* * * *

Who does not long to be free of all the absurdities to which all minds play a part?


* * * *

Unhinged minds are the mayhem; the weapons are incidental.


* * * *

For vanity’s sake.


* * * *

We are all very much alone, together; be and allow, the highest law.


* * * *

Sons into sons, daughters into daughters, all cultures weave anew as mindsets dictate.


* * * *

Dust to dust, crunch and chewy and goo and hijinks between.


* * * *

The moment is the only cathedral, to which the door is always open.


* * * *

Just a dream, nothing more, nothing less.


* * * *

Vanity is nothing more than the insistent huff and puff of imagination.


* * * *

All alone, together, talking to our Selves.


* * * *

Waking up to yet another day of meditations, such as they are.


* * * *

What was it before you were born? What will it be after you die?


* * * *

Prisoner of time, prisoner of space, prisoner of mind, discerning detachment the only key.


* * * *

Check your assumptions at the door, please.


* * * *

All that really matters is whether or not your DNA gets another spin.


* * * *

There are plenty of astonishing creatures; no need to bring Disney caricatures to life.


* * * *

Can you change your mind? Needs research.


* * * *

Go tell it to Santa Claus.


* * * *

Already well into way too late, on all counts.


* * * *

Om, baby, Om.


* * * *

You are the mystery, not this mundane fixture, to which you are so attached.


* * * *

What demons the talking heads can be.


* * * *

Both the haves and have-nots are in for a very rough time, in many ways, in all places.


* * * *

The Reluctant Messiah rides again.


* * * *

You want someone to believe what lie?!


* * * *

The camel is in the tent, fucking the elephant.


* * * *

Prior to consciousness, prior to imagination, prior to quantum, prior to om, you are.


* * * *

Eternity is indeed magical, but it does not take magic to see it.


* * * *

How free the mind of a universal child.


* * * *

Best not get too bound up in all the metaphors.


* * * *

Awareness is the ocean, in which all drops are indivisibly one.


* * * *

Solitude is not necessarily confinement.


* * * *

The mystery is but a hair’s breath from oblivion.


* * * *

Eternity is closer than you think; certainly far less than a heartbeat away.


* * * *

Imagine how dark this world was, from a satellite’s nighttime view, before electricity lit it up.


* * * *

So full, so empty, an imaginary destiny plays out.


* * * *

We can only ignore Darwin so long.


* * * *

Intellectual sobriety is a must; beware the scholar lost in the maze of his Ivory Tower creation.


* * * *

Eternity is not a circus; certainly not the one so many two-leggeds make it.


* * * *

It is never too late to take the blue pill.


* * * *

The traveler’s mind needs only an armchair or park bench.


* * * *

History’s remedy is to sooner or later forget everything.


* * * *

One speculation is as good as another.


* * * *

What can reincarnate in the unborn-undying tinelesss awareness, but figments of imagination?


* * * *

It is a mystery, for everybody, and nobody.


* * * *

You are not what you shit and piss.


* * * *

Prior to consciousness, prior to imagination, prior to quantum, prior to om, you are.


* * * *

The laws of nature are fixed; ignore them at your peril.


* * * *

Moderation us a little more than you should; a little less than you want.


* * * *

All creation, all art, is the manipulation of quantum by imagination.


* * * *

Calling it esoteric is really about being too lazy to look for your Self.


* * * *

Not all mysteries are solvable.


* * * *

How much would you like it, if you were in a Tralfamadorian petting zoo?


* * * *

Every life form, a quantum algorithm.


* * * *

Your calling, your vocation, your passion, is what first and foremost draws your attention.


* * * *

Who can know the acclaim, the derision, the anonymity, their life work will bear.


* * * *

What is this will to live?


* * * *

How else should-could-would the mystery, the awareness, explore its Self, but through illusion.


* * * *

Yes, you will be forgotten, quickly or slowly, makes no difference.


* * * *

God wakes those who wake themselves.


* * * *

What exactly does it mean when a movie is reviewed as having “genuine emotion”?


* * * *

Why would awareness ever need worship its Self?


* * * *

The entire human paradigm, is it any more than an assumption?


* * * *

It is all just sensation.


* * * *

Too little, too late.


* * * *

A blob of crunch and goo only crunches and goos until the crunch and goo turn imto worms.


* * * *

Did anybody test that decision before it crashed into the wall?


* * * *

The quantum cosmos created you, and you, it.


* * * *

What is the body but crunch and goo, packaged in flesh, cloaked in every manner of vanity.


* * * *

Whatever the medium, there have always been trolls.


* * * *

How can awareness, how can the moment, how can eternity, be anything but pure?


* * * *

Are you talking through your hat again?


* * * *

Spam on.


* * * *

Nature is the wonderland of quantum mechanics.


* * * *

Philosophy goes where science cannot.


* * * *

You are the heart of awareness, the centerlessness of all there is, and is not.


* * * *

Trust God that he/she/it is not listening, and would not do anything even if he/she/it was.


* * * *

Due diligence is a good habit, a good discipline, for those wishing to keep bother at a minimum.


* * * *

No worries, no one can see you unless they see themselves.


* * * *

Every moment, same mystery.


* * * *

Could it be, the mystery is really just an eccentric scientist of the Hollywood fiction genre?


* * * *

What is a conversation but a window into your Self in another dream.


* * * *

Nothng is done, and nothing is left undone.


* * * *

The Blobs are all dressed up, and rolling out for a night on the town.


* * * *

The quantum designer, the designer quantum.


* * * *

In the greater questions, who can more than speculate anything?


* * * *

By its merit – value, ability, advantage – it shall be known.


* * * *

If you want answers to the the unanswerable, you will not find them here.


* * * *

Imagination has held awareness hostage since who can more than speculate how long ago?


* * * *

What is meditation but steeping in awareness.


* * * *

What is a life, what is memory, but a rolodex of perceptions.


* * * *

Humankind has not reached the dark times required to wake up to a greater reality.


* * * *

Witnesses all, some conscious, some not.


* * * *

Large-minded thinking, small-minded thinking, pass through awareness the same.


* * * *

Be as indifferent as any rock, river or planetary.


* * * *

The moments that shape any fate are a long and winding, exceedingly serendipitous trail.


* * * *

What more needs doing? What more needs saying?


* * * *

The bother of old and jaded and fading cannot be undone but through death.


* * * *

Hope is a plea to an imaginary friend, not an option in the dream we call real.


* * * *

Happiness is embracing your sensory dreamtime as best you can, as best you feel.


* * * *

What is justice but the rule of law’s word, the collective’s word, for revenge.


* * * *

Every mind, an Atlas holding up its world, its cosmos, its genesis.


* * * *

There is indeed an undeniable bliss in ignorance.


* * * *

Yet another advantageous spatial arrangement.


* * * *

Are you one whose doubt has no limits but its own?


* * * *

So, you really believe you exist as more than an imaginary concoction.


* * * *

Hope is not an option.


* * * *

When a book becomes a bludgeon, it displays its lie for all who see.


* * * *

Nothing can be very frightening, very annoying, very tiring, to many a mind.


* * * *

That one didn’t start out that way, nor the one before it.


* * * *

Jumping with great glee into the abyss is a leap relativel few will ever consider, much less take.


* * * *

A world full of human beings – faces, arms, legs, flesh, hair, nails – disguising blobby interiors.


* * * *

How did it take this shape, this order, pfft, no knowing.


* * * *

A boundary crossed, whether between friends or foes, can never be fully undone.


* * * *

It time and space were real, you would not need imagination to travel it.


* * * *

Hope holds no water, gathers no sheaves; it is but a 

hless sheep grazing in lethargic minds.


* * * *

Nothing cannot be undone.


* * * *

Consciousness gives awareness focus; it does not control it in any way imaginable.


* * * *

Can any life really be planned?


* * * *

Obligation is not one of the better reasons for anything.


* * * *

What dreams are, what dreams have been, what dreams are yet to come, only awareness knows.


* * * *

Walking mindfully can be earth-shaking journey.


* * * *

Blue pill, red pill, did you really have any choice?

* * * *

Prayer is nothing more than a culturally sanctioned excuse to babble to your Self.

* * * *

How tiring this record can ofttimes be.

* * * *

History is a poker player bluffing high stakes to all force to sit at its table.

* * * *

It all becomes so predictable, does it not?

* * * *

Life is too serious to take it seriously all the time.

* * * *

Intolerance breeds few friends.

* * * *

From nothing, to nothing, nothing all the while.

* * * *

‘Tis the way it is; so it goes.

* * * *

Another day of pride barreling through its imaginary dreamtime.

* * * *

The same awareness is equally within all things; a little humility, a little compassion, please.

* * * *

History does not exist; why would it care about anything?

* * * *

And why would you care about that?

* * * *

Don’t you, at least sometimes, grow weary of your little recording?

* * * *

Do we really need to go through that again?

* * * *

And what is the point and purpose of all this knowledge?

* * * *

How long before you wake up to the depths below the churning waves?

* * * *

An artist is only as creative as whim and fancy and knack allow.

* * * *

Is that really such a bad thing?

* * * *

You can be happy about that with a little shift in attitude.

* * * *

The matrix is all, but all are not chosen.

* * * *

Imagination’s infinitely multi-faceted spectrum is the power of the mystery.

* * * *

How can you measure the moment long enough to call it time?

* * * *

History, history, and more mystery.

* * * *

Objectivity is an unachievable ideal, and absurd myth.

* * * *

It don’t much matter.

* * * *

And where were you when the shooting started?

* * * *

Strategy and tactics have an evolutionary quality about them.

* * * *

History has managed to eventually forget everybody, so far, and no, you will be the exception.

* * * *

Cathedrals, stone or glass, are absurdly, redundantly passé.

* * * *

Erase the post-traumatic stress deeply permeating the mind-body, and where are you?

* * * *

Nothing before, nothing after, nothing all the while, despite all claims to the contrary.

* * * *

Science ever seeks the truth of the quantum illusion; beyond the veil, there is no knowing.


* * * *

Human history is the albatross around the world’s neck.


* * * *

The meek shall inherit the earth because the strong will bury them there.


* * * *

It is not like you have not thought about that before.


* * * *

Keep it real.


* * * *

You are the first and last historian in your dream.


* * * *

The scent of a woman will haunt a man to his dying breath.


* * * *

Wisdom is the after-the-party cleanup crew.


* * * *

Is any history really more than propaganda to herd the tribe?


* * * *

History is the juggeraut of mind.


* * * *

What are you but a churning rolodex of memories.


* * * *

So many things the curious mind can never know.


* * * *

Retail boils down to three things: Customer service, customer service, customer service.


* * * *

Become king of your universe.


* * * *

The common sense that ain't often common.


* * * *

How can the indivisible quantum matrix ever be tainted by imagination.


* * * *

Believe nothing, literally.


* * * *

Dead is dead, no matter the ways and means.


* * * *

History is an ever-morphing free-for-all locked in the whims of imagination.


* * * *

DNA’s litany marches on.


* * * *

Sometimes there is, sometimes there isn’t. so it goes.


* * * *

History’s point and purpose is the continuity of imagimation, and all the drama it entertains.


* * * *

Whatever made you believe it would be any different?


* * * *

Every death is the end of s piece of history.


* * * *

Every life form is a witness in its own realm, its own niche; few are conscious of it.


* * * *

Are you doing nothing, is is nothing doing you?


* * * *

Spam happens.


* * * *

How many lies must you endure before you become adept at hearing their timbre?


* * * *

The commonality of the genomic sequence can only be argued by ignorance and foul intent.


* * * *

To any who object to being objectified, it is on you to prove yourself more.


* * * *

Gravity settle all things.


* * * *

Every choice you make in any given right here, right now, is a player in your fate.


* * * *

What difference a life filled with curiosity.


* * * *

Ain’t speculation fun?


* * * *

The mystery has no need of a personal you.


* * * *

Hard to fear something you do not believe in.


* * * *

Who will be the last Adam and Eve?


* * * *

Those moving clock hands do not make time real.


* * * *

Mañana or bust.


* * * *

We are all blends of imagination come before.


* * * *

Some historians even become stories unto themselves.


* * * *

Any given creation only ends when another takes its place.


* * * *

Hats off and regards to those yet to serve.


* * * *

Endure the illusion until nothing feeds you.


* * * *

So many new inventions, so many new concepts, so many new words, what’s a dictionary to do?


* * * *

You can only be as formless as attention allows.


* * * *

Imagination toying with itself.


* * * *

Let gravity settle it.


* * * *

Can you really, really, really, let gp?


* * * *

No doubt, we could all do with a bit more humility; a lot more in more than many.


* * * *

Another case of lost in the shuffle, again.


* * * *

What universe can exist without sentience?


* * * *

Peace is in the end of wanting, the end of dread, the end of fear.


* * * *

To which version of history were you referring?


* * * *

All roads lead to mañana.


* * * *

To mañana, or not to mañana, that is the question.


* * * *

Awareness, aware of itself, what need for anything more?


* * * *

Dying is the last obstacle; sleep is but a mini-death, of sorts.


* * * *

What is life but the charade of memory.


* * * *

There is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only the way.


* * * *

Can you be sure that was your idea?


* * * *

At some point, keeping up with it all … Why?


* * * *

Death Row Earth: Eight billion dead humans walking.


* * * *

Tomorrow never arrives, because by then it is today.


* * * *

If you cannot listen, you will suffer, and will likely make others suffer, as well.


* * * *

Real is whatever you imagine real.


* * * *

How often do you engage with the moment as the inner eye?


* * * *

Constant vigilance can be an oppressive taskmaster.


* * * *

It is a mystery, immaculate from the depths to every shore, and it has no name.


* * * *

Could it be any more perfect?


* * * *

Printing more money is not necessarily always the best solution.


* * * *

We all gotta die sometime, Red.


* * * *

It seemed real at the moment.


* * * *

If you must worship, bend a knee to the mystery you are, the mystery all are.


* * * *

Even the most diligent, earnest, humble seeker, can never know what cannot be known.


* * * *

If you must worship a throne, be sure it is made of porcelain.


* * * *

Well, aren’t you the clever one?


* * * *

The Golden Child is within; discern it, reclaim it.


* * * *

The road less traveled is a road traveled very much alone.


* * * *

Hearts and minds, boys and girls, hearts and minds.


* * * *

Everyone has their own nut to crack.


* * * *

You learn far more by living life than you will any classroom or book.


* * * *

The end of you will be the end of pride.


* * * *

The indelible awareness within is the eye of eternity.


* * * *

Double-check, always double-check, maybe even more than once.


* * * *

Memory is your personal theater, your personal world, your personal universe.


* * * *

This moment, right here, right now, eternity in a nutshell.


* * * *

The march of science is replete with dead and crippled guinea pigs.


* * * *

Oblivion within, oblivion without.


* * * *

Avoid presuming to know what someone else is thinking.


* * * *

The march of science is replete with dead and crippled guinea pigs.


* * * *

A philosophical quest, any quest for that matter, requires a curiosity for truth.


* * * *

Can’t find what ain’t there to find.


* * * *

You are but a bubble of imagination.


* * * *

What is this need to be known that governs the human paradigm, the human epoch.


* * * *

There is only awareness, nothing to worship but Self.


* * * *

And what, pray tell, is the point of that?


* * * *

Ten thousand truths are easier to remember than ten thousand lies.


* * * *

Learn the difference between need and want.


* * * *

And that equation, that concept, that sound, also worked … Imagine that.


* * * *

Everything to alone see, nothing to be.


* * * *

Love can make you do krazee things.


* * * *

Might may make right, but it does not make truth.


* * * *

Always question, always doubt.


* * * *

A sea of walking-talking billboards for every variety of corporate enterprise.


* * * *

That makes no sense whatsoever, and not it the koan way.


* * * *

The taste of freedom


* * * *

Avoiding debt is a healthy, long-term strategy.


* * * *

Your entire life is nothing more than make-believe.


* * * *

That ship has sailed well beyond all hope, into a vast sea of agony and despair.


* * * *

Ants and bees are true communists as defined by natural selection.


* * * *

Embrace the absurdity, Grasshopper.


* * * *

Thrown into the street, where wretchedness and despair reign.


* * * *

If the mood is so-inclined.


* * * *

Life can become a pleasant boredom if you are so-inclined.


* * * *

Most problems have solutions for those willing and able to look closely.


* * * *

Consciously or unconsciously, you have done nothing your entire existence.


* * * *

So, you really, really, really believe that, eh?


* * * *

And what would be the problem with that?


* * * *

Try to wrap your head around something bigger than your puny little self.


* * * *

The fountain of youth is in there somewhere.


* * * *

You have just enough genius to play out your fate.


* * * *

Putting into words what cannot be put into words; success measured in minds set free.


* * * *

The curious mind has trouble closing its eyes.


* * * *

Goodness is not a goal.


* * * *

Your mind is as infinitesimally infinite as any universe can be.


* * * *

Hard to hype a product that does not sell itself.


* * * *

Everything is in your head, and your head very much alone.


* * * *

Some people just have too much money for nobody’s good.


* * * *

Do nothing … think nothing … and Voilà! … Nothing.


* * * *

Other than the human paradigm, Nature is anything but absurd.


* * * *

It all seemed so real at the time, but did it ever really happen, this dream?


* * * *

Maybe tomorrow, or did you say that yesterday?


* * * *

And for what did you want that again?


* * * *

A good teacher teaches to the level of the student discerned.


* * * * 

Art is the mystery to which imagination aspires.


* * * *

What is insight, what is wisdom, but that insight, that ‘feel’, that seems to work.


* * * *

Do you live your truth? Or their lie?


* * * *

Machine-handling is far more a craft than many discern.


* * * *

Find your pure soul.


* * * *

Drift on, stranger, there ain’t nothing here.


* * * *

Why should you ever mindlessly believe anything you have not for your Self discerned?


* * * *

Don’t do namby-pamby.


* * * *

What are the odds that any romance will last forever?


* * * *

Nothing wrong with living a simple, moderate, decent, giving existence.


* * * * 

Stilled consciousness bares the presence of awareness.


* * * *

You just cannot let it go, can you?


* * * * 

Outside is in, and inside, out, in the indivisible realm.


* * * *

What religion can transcend a long, aimless wander?


* * * *

How can time, something which does not exist, be wasted?


* * * *

God is whatever totality is; not some imaginary, absurdly idolatrous deity.


* * * *

What better way to serve mankind than to be a guinea pig for science.


* * * *

The garden has always been a jungle; now it is a human one.


* * * *

Nothing’s made any difference yet.


* * * *

The dispassionate awareness sees it all.


* * * *

Do not be usurped.


* * * *

The pitter-patter of little minds echoes across a scarred and dying planet.


* * * *

It is the imaginary mind-body that is, not you.


* * * *

Does any state, any kingdom, any federation, care about anything but its continuity?


* * * *

Awareness is a subtle beast, not fit for idle consumption.


* * * *

What philosopher does not wonder at the absurdity of his/her life’s work?


* * * *

Special shit.


* * * * 

What’s so fucking hard about that?


* * * * 

How can the unseen, how can the unknown, ever be duplicated by imagination?


* * * *

So, which do you prefer, undying love, or the dying kind?

* * * * 

Well, that answers that.


* * * * 

Aren't the best, but best enough.


* * * * 

How many so-called seekers spend their lives kicking tires?


* * * *

What is life, but oblivion, interrupted.


* * * *

You have your doubts.


* * * *

There is no need for religion, only the want.


* * * *

Why believe any of it?


* * * *

That fits.


* * * *

How can vanity ever embrace oblivion?


* * * *

Does it ever really serve any profound purpose to compare yourself to another?


* * * *

Oh, for a time machine.


* * * *

Joy, yet another unenforceable law.


* * * *

The answer lies somewhere between absurd and insane.


* * * *

This, too, shall be forgotten.


* * * *

Yes, lightning can strike twice, maybe even times beyond counting, in the same place.


* * * *

The fountain of youth is within.


* * * *

‘Taint fair! ‘Taint fair at all.


* * * *

A gazillion tomorrows will all transpire in the same awareness, the same eternal now.

* * * *

The world has never been what anybody thought it was.

* * * *

Is there anyone who doesn't think something matters?

* * * *

Don’t need to do that ever again; already did it times beyond counting.

* * * *

What is Alzheimer's but becoming the abyss

* * * *

Have you ever yet encountered anything that cannot be attributed to laws of physics?

* * * *

Parents who care must grow deaf and dumb to their children's pain.

* * * *

If you were going to lose something, you would want it to be that.

* * * *

Ethics is the offspring of a full belly and a safe harbor.

* * * *

Ethics: Neutered, sterile, empty, absurd,

* * * *

Resolutions are easy to make, easy to break.

* * * *

Process is all; reaching any given goal is just another moment.

* * * *

Moderate your distractions.

* * * *

Racing stoplight to wait in one line or another.

* * * *

Anything you learn is a translation of your frame of reference.

* * * *

Why blindly believe anything you cannot for your Self discern?

* * * *

Life is not a fairytale.

* * * *

Only imagination knows.

* * * *

Ask the right question and the answer is yours.

* * * *

Why should you care what friends think, much less strangers?

* * * *

The world will never be what you think it is, nor what you wish it was.

* * * *

Ripples abound.

* * * *

It is the ever-changing monkey-mind that has made all this possible.

* * * *

What different message could there possible be?

* * * *

An Alzheimer’s unit is a bunch of gods staring at whatever.

* * * *

Be sure to read the fine print on that new lease on life.

* * * *

Whether it is complicated or simple depends how your imagination chooses to see it.

* * * *

It is you who must adapt to reality, not it to you.

* * * *

You can only quest as far as your doubt allows.

* * * *

Once any creation is destroyed, did it ever exist?

* * * *

What greater bodyguard than anonymity?

* * * *

It is the eyes that create the universe of light.

* * * *

How much proof do you need?

* * * *

A game rigged for delusion.

* * * *

Unreal expectations, try to get along without them.

* * * *

Yet another shoulda-coulda-woulda rebel running back to the original catechism.

* * * *

Who are you to judge?

* * * *

Time for another round of contemplation of non-existence.

* * * *

Summon the courage to meet the day.

* * * *

Trust the Hollywood machines to paint pictures that are not, never were, will never be.

* * * *

The scars of imagination are imaginary.

* * * *

Not very PC.

* * * *

The big questions are without answer.

* * * *

An hour is too long.

* * * *

No one knows what you are translating but you.

* * * *

We’re all prostitutes, Honey.

* * * *

Would any other Darwin-esque creature behave any different were it in command?

* * * *

Truth: Don’t settle for less.

* * * *

Friendship is the best.

* * * *

A mystery born of mortal slime.

* * * *

The loneliness factor plays a part in every human head.

* * * *

Just do it, already.

* * * *

What a willy-nilly thing the mind can be; wild horses would be easier tamed.

* * * *

There are worse fates.

* * * *

Another day of esoteric soliloquizing.

* * * *

What house of cards is not built of vanity and greed?

* * * *

It is not what you think, has never been what you think, will never been what you think.

* * * *

You are awareness playing a role, not a role, playing awareness.

* * * *

Always head-shaking how long it can take to discern some things clearly.

* * * *

What’s really going on? is a question only speculation has ever answered.

* * * *

If you do not know, why pretend you do?

* * * *

If only you could really know what others think of you, could be good, could be bad.

* * * *

Unleash the anarchy.

* * * *

Seems real enough right now.

* * * *

It is not the Third Eye; it is the First Eye, witness behind the other two.

* * * *

It is the imaginary you that dreads death, the imaginary you that wants to live forever.

* * * *

Another happy-sad day pushing that boulder up the mountain.

* * * *

The world that imagination built.

* * * *

The level of absurdity into which we are descending is sadly hilarious.

* * * *

Vanity for vanity’s sake.

* * * *

The unprincipled are not what you think.

* * * *

As if any religion, any belief, any creed, any dogma, any conviction, is required.

* * * *

You have likely been there more than a few times.

* * * *

If you believe you know something, guess again.

* * * *

Always amazing what artists of every ilk keep coming up with.

* * * *

You, Mystery.

* * * *

When outside becomes inside, what’s a mystery to do?

* * * *

‘Tis the nature of any gift to not know its fate.

* * * *

Time is a function of imagination; awareness, a function of eternity.

* * * *

Water does not battle the rock, nor disobey gravity, nor resist the sun.

* * * *

The root of all evil is DNA.

* * * *

Another tribe you never really joined.

* * * *

Science is a never-ending, many-shades-of-gray endeavor.

* * * *

Every moment you are born and die; only in imagination do you think you live.

* * * *

How many great inventions have been discovered by accident.

* * * *

Try to laugh when you are not crying.

* * * *

Something else you will sooner or later forget.

* * * *

So, another round of loneliness for Achy Heart.

* * * *

You die one way or another; it is not necessarily a sword that will off you.

* * * *

Whether large or small, every decision has its consequences.

* * * *

Isn’t it mystery enough without imagining all things absurd?

* * * *

What’s the point? Surviving the day, and maybe a tomorrow or two.

* * * *

Embrace the pain until it evaporates.

* * * *

The coupling of mind and quantum is a marriage made in heaven.

* * * *

Deep thoughts about shallow things, or deep things about shallow thoughts.

* * * *

Any god worth believing in, is far greater than anything that can be imagined.

* * * *

Make-believe can never be real; it is all make-believe, an epoch of imaginary proportion.

* * * *

The personal mind is an imaginary creation; the impersonal mind, creation its Self.

* * * *

It is imagination from which the awareness you are must detach.

* * * *

It is not a matter of believing; it is a matter of seeing.

* * * *

So it goes, so it went.

* * * *

What is the human paradigm but the ceaseless tumbling of imaginary assumptions.

* * * *

Even every imaginable defense cannot deter the blade’s eventual arrival.

* * * *

Does the wheel hit the road, or the road, the wheel?

* * * *

Your time is yours to spend, to waste, however you please.

* * * *

You do not fear real friends.

* * * *

Slaving away for DNA.

* * * *

Why shouldn’t you trust your own observations?

* * * *

How can you believe what you believe means diddly-squat?

* * * *

Assumptions free-fall many a Rabbit Hole.

* * * *

Still creating, still enduring, bother after bother for your Self, eh?

* * * *

A king has no friends.

* * * *

There will always be one herd or another to embrace any given absurdity.

* * * *

Awareness is without hunger.

* * * *

Odds are that the only reader of any life work will be its author.

* * * *

There is no point to another lie.

* * * *

When it comes to sooner or later, odds are later is not a bad option.

* * * *

Full speed ahead! Damn the consequences!

* * * *

Just because you will something only makes it so when the quantum theater allows.

* * * *

If there is some sort of deity on high, how likely is it that it will fill your bill?

* * * *

Your universe, your call.

* * * *

A rock is only a rock until it melts into dust or magma.

* * * *

Any quantum divide is but an imaginary demarcation.

* * * *

So, what is it you are just not seeing?

* * * *

The creator is not without creation; the creation is not without creator.

* * * *

The past is only reference; the future, only hope; only the moment is real, and not.

* * * *

How can good and evil exist anywhere but imagination.

* * * *

Back to Square Zero.

* * * *

Yet another live and learn, die anyway, moment.

* * * *

Memory can be a Quixotic endeavor.

* * * *

Build a cosmos, and others will come.

* * * *

Existence is mysterious enough without fabricating endless bullshit.

* * * *

We are all likely blind to one hypocrisy or another.

* * * *

Gone with the wind.

* * * *

What a lot of bother to spend one’s life conquering anything.

* * * *

Backtrack that.

* * * *

Feed the tongue at your own peril.

* * * *

All manifestation, all dimensions, must be bound by one set of limitations or another.

* * * *

It all goes by in its quantum-quick timeless way.

* * * *

It is likely more often less about making love, than it is feeding lust.

* * * *

Death is the inevitable outcome of every existence; no need for hope nor faith nor creed.

* * * *

Time and space are constructs of the imaginary mind, steeped in mystery.

* * * *

You do not know, you will never know, how all this came to be; why pretend to?

* * * *

Everyone has their own version of enlightenment, if there is such a thing.

* * * *

Imagination’s turf is a quantum matrix of sensory proportion.

* * * *

Forget everything; unclench the mind.

* * * *

Is it space and time through which you travel, or the moment?

* * * *

You know what you are; it does not matter that others do.

* * * *

Ain’t no framed piece of paper, nor letters after the name, for this sort of chitter-chatter.

* * * *

How can earth’s time and space mean anything beyond its gravitational reach?

* * * *

The blade knows neither life nor death.

* * * *

Square zero is an alonely place where be-ers be, and become-ers never tread.

* * * *

Metaphors at every turn.

* * * *

Boxed thinking is box thinking; a bigger box is still a box.

* * * *

But for the habit of it, there is nothing in which you must believe.

* * * *

Without thought, where is time?

* * * *

The missing key is you, and the lock, as well.

* * * *

Not just any collection of neurons is interested in such inquiry.

* * * *

Making heroes where there are none.

* * * *

The moment is intangible; how could time be any more?

* * * *

Differences are not the quantum reality.

* * * *

The mystery is a banquet, in which full is empty, and empty, full.

* * * *

Let go your world, your universe; be eternity.

* * * *

Fire is its own remedy.

* * * *

The trick to staying out of trouble, is not getting caught.

* * * *

It can never be more or less than the mystery it every moment is.

* * * *

‘Er ye a Be-er, or a Become-er?

* * * *

The drop is whatever puddle, pond, lake, river, ocean, cosmos, mystery, the metaphor calls.

* * * *

The blade, the bullet, the bomb, know neither life nor death.

* * * *

Imagining one god or many, is perhaps the greatest delusion.

* * * *

What is eternity? A moment? An hour? A day? A life? Forever? All of the above?

* * * *

Everything is imagined; how accurate the imagination is the question.

* * * *

Make-believe, a worldwide game of make-believe.

* * * *

Entitlement, it is all entitlement.

* * * *

Doom ain’t necessarily gloom.

* * * *

Why trust anyone else’s perception more than your own?

* * * *

Through attention to the awareness, you wrest your mind from its imaginary yoke.

* * * *

What is it about vanity that makes it imagine any other will truly care one way or another?

* * * *

How fortunate you are not to have been born into so many other existences.

* * * *

A quantum ramble.

* * * *

Try shedding into a larger box, at least once and a while.

* * * *

It is imagination that makes all dimensions seem real.

* * * *

Yet another big lie.

* * * *

Grunt or high-five, the politics of recognition is an obligatory ritual of civilized life.

* * * *

The ultimate measurement is naught.

* * * *

Caring too much, caring too little, where’s the balance?

* * * *

Makes for a happy universe, knowing humankind will never infect another solar system.

* * * *

If you believe in a god locked in some Santa Clausian form, you are likely not reading this.

* * * *

All that dies is a figment of imagination.

* * * *

Why pretend?

* * * *

How can it not be the same mystery in every thing in every where and when?

* * * *

You make a plan, and then see if it works, and then revise as needed.

* * * *

Is not the mystery before your eyes magical enough?

* * * *

Yesterday arrives again.

* * * *

Who is there to talk to in there but your Self?

* * * *

Without imagination, did anything ever really happen?

* * * *

A big game of pretend.

* * * *

Look closely, see for your Self if what is being said is true.

* * * *

Every blink, a universe undone.

* * * *

Only pure, unadulterated ignorance could come up with that one.

* * * *

The indivisible individual is a harbor of doubt.

* * * *

The awareness is you, not yours.

* * * *

Discipline, grit, gumption, fortitude, courage – are not about easy, nor comfort.

* * * *

Conspiracy thinking is one rabbit hole after another.

* * * *

Another little sidebar.

* * * *

Nothing interests you.

* * * *

Science has a hard time competing with witlessness.

* * * *

Who said this mystery has to make sense?

* * * *

You get what you buy into.

* * * *

Parochial historian, worldly historian, way different.

* * * *

In awareness, you give it no thought.

* * * *

Another memory swept up in the river of time.

* * * *

Dream weaver, dream cleaver.

* * * *

How deep can you delve if you are not honest with your Self?

* * * *

Who is the perceiver but the one in all.

* * * *

There is always room for doubt.

* * * *

It takes more than keyboards and selfies to win a revolution.

* * * *

Look for your Self.

* * * *

How was it meant? However you translate it.

* * * *

The broken optimist,  hardened idealist, is called a cynic, skeptic, doubter.

* * * *

What villainy seeks you today?

* * * *

Is imagination anything more than distraction from the moment?

* * * *

Die full, die hungry, no matter, every fate finds its own way.

* * * *

What loop today?

* * * *

Nothing has ever happenchanced in the happenstance.

* * * *

The dearth of rhyme and reason makes for many a rabid cynic.

* * * *

What is this vat of flesh and bones but an imaginary prison of limitation.

* * * *

Frame of reference, frame of imagination.

* * * *

Another factoid, another morsel of trivia, to forget.

* * * *

The soul of science is an easy target for corruption.

* * * *

We reserve the right to destroy ourselves without interference from the universe.

* * * *

A fatal disease called life.

* * * *

The trials and tribulations of nerve endings are what make the world go round.

* * * *

Who said there must be meaning and purpose?

* * * *

The prison of imagination wakes up to another day.

* * * *

Nothing’s not going to change.

* * * *

An imaginary mind, an imaginary life, an imaginary tale.

* * * *

Do not be bound, do not be limited, by the part you imagine.