Michael's Rabbit Hole 2022



Imagination, creator of all that is nothing more than quantum illusion.

Imagination, creator of all that has never been anything more than quantum illusion.

Imagination, creator of all that will never be anything more than quantum illusion.

Imagination, only as material as the sensory-born illusion of the given moment.




Will It Really Matter?


Will it really matter in one second?

Will it really matter in ten seconds?

Will it really matter in one minute?

Will it really matter in one hour?

Will it really matter in one day?

Will it really matter in one week?

Will it really matter in one month?

Will it really matter in six months?

Will it really matter in one year?

Will it really matter in two years?

Will it really matter in five years?

Will it really matter in ten years?

Will it really matter in twenty years?

Will it really matter in one hundred years?

Will it really matter in five hundred years?

Will it really matter in one thousand years?

Will it really matter in ten thousand years?

Will it really matter in twenty thousand years?

Will it really matter in one hundred thousand years?

Will it really matter in one million years?

Will it really matter in ten million years?

Will it really matter in one hundred million years?

Will it really matter in one billion years?

Will it really matter in ten billion years?

Will it really matter in one trillion years?

Will it really matter in one gazillion years?


Did it really ever matter at all?


Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.




The Mind Is, the Mind Is Not


The mind is, the mind is not, a dream.

The mind is, the mind is not, a delusion.

The mind is, the mind is not, a habit.

The mind is, the mind is not, a truth.

The mind is, the mind is not, a practice.

The mind is, the mind is not, a trance.

The mind is, the mind is not, a fixation.

The mind is, the mind is not, an obsession.

The mind is, the mind is not, a fondness.

The mind is, the mind is not, a tendency.

The mind is, the mind is not, a bent.

The mind is, the mind is not, a fabrication.

The mind is, the mind is not, a lie.

The mind is, the mind is not, a pretense.

The mind is, the mind is not, a chameleon.

The mind is, the mind is not, a hope.

The mind is, the mind is not, a reality.

The mind is, the mind is not, a passion.

The mind is, the mind is not, a reverie.

The mind is, the mind is not, a hallucination.

The mind is, the mind is not, a leaning.

The mind is, the mind is not, a desire.

The mind is, the mind is not, an aspiration.

The mind is, the mind is not, an idea.

The mind is, the mind is not, a notion.

The mind is, the mind is not, a mirage.

The mind is, the mind is not, a custom.

The mind is, the mind is not, a preference.

The mind is, the mind is not, a memory.

The mind is, the mind is not, an irony.

The mind is, the mind is not, a paradox.

The mind is, the mind is not, a figment.

The mind is, the mind is not, a daydream.

The mind is, the mind is not, a wish.

The mind is, the mind is not, an ambition.

The mind is, the mind is not, a pattern.

The mind is, the mind is not, a frame.

The mind is, the mind is not, a nightmare.

The mind is, the mind is not, a trick.

The mind is, the mind is not, a tradition.

The mind is, the mind is not, a thought.

The mind is, the mind is not, a window.

The mind is, the mind is not, a fear.

The mind is, the mind is not, a template.

The mind is, the mind is not, an artifice.

The mind is, the mind is not, a custom.

The mind is, the mind is not, a convention.

The mind is, the mind is not, a chimera.

The mind is, the mind is not, a projection.

The mind is, the mind is not, an impression.

The mind is, the mind is not, a goal.

The mind is, the mind is not, a pipedream.

The mind is, the mind is not, a wont.

The mind is, the mind is not, a deception.

The mind is, the mind is not, a fantasy.

The mind is, the mind is not, an addiction.

The mind is, the mind is not, a problem.

The mind is, the mind is not, a mold.

The mind is, the mind is not, a character.

The mind is, the mind is not, a liking.

The mind is, the mind is not, an inclination.

The mind is, the mind is not, a matrix.




How Can You Ever Describe It?


How can you ever describe a sound?

How can you ever describe a sight?

How can you ever describe a taste?

How can you ever describe a smell?

How can you ever describe a feeling?

How can you ever describe anything?

And yet we are ever linguistic acrobats.




What is Genesis?


What is Genesis but a wind propelling its own sail.

What is Genesis but a brush frolicking upon its own canvas.

What is Genesis but a hammer pounding upon its own nail.

What is Genesis but a wave heading toward its own shore.

What is Genesis but a flame burning in its own darkness.

What is Genesis but a particle drifting in its own space.

What is Genesis but a dream floating in its given mind.




Only Vanity Believes


Only vanity believes it is real.

Only vanity believes it is important.

Only vanity believes in gods and demons.

Only vanity believes in ghosts and monsters.

Only vanity believes in messiahs and saints.

Only vanity believes it is harbor to change.

Only vanity believes in more, more, more.

Only vanity believes nil is not an option.

Only vanity believes imagination exists.

Only vanity believes itself immortal.

Only vanity believes belief is true.




So It Goes


So many sights you will never see,

So many sounds you will never hear,

So many scents you will never smell,

So many flavors you will never taste,

So many textures you will never feel,

So many thoughts you will never think,

So many things you will never own.

So many things you will never do.

So many things you will never be.

So it goes.




Only as Real as You Imagine Them


Differences are only as real as you imagine them.

Conclusions are only as real as you imagine them.

Assumptions are only as real as you imagine them.

Speculations are only as real as you imagine them.




How Can You Look, and Not See?


How can you look at this mystery, and not see it is you?

How can you look at any other, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a mountain, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a plant, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a stream, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a rock, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a table, and not see it is you?

How can you look at an insect, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a bird, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a fish, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a horse, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a man, and not see he is you?

How can you look at a woman, and not see she is you?

How can you look at a child, and not see it is you?

How can you look at the ocean, and not see it is you?

How can you look at a cloud, and not see it is you?

How can you look at the sky, and not see it is you?

How can you look at the moon, and not see it is you?

How can you look at the sun, and not see it is you?

How can you look at the stars, and not see they are you?

How can you look at a particle of dust, and not see it is you?

How can you look at the space between all, and not see it is you?




What Difference?


To be, or not to be, what difference?

To see. or not to see, what difference?

To hear. or not to hear, what difference?

To taste, or not to taste, what difference?

To smell. or not to smell, what difference?

To touch, or not to touch, what difference?

To think, or not to think, what difference?




Regarding Intelligence


Somebody came up with eight types of intelligence:

bodily kinesthetic (body smart)

interpersonal (people smart)

verbal linguistic (word smart)

logical-mathematical (logic smart)

naturalistic (nature smart)

intrapersonal (self smart)

visual-spatial (picture smart)

musical (music smart)


Another collection also lists eight, with slight variations:

mathematical (number smart),

musical (music smart),

linguistic (word smart),

naturalistic (nature smart),

intrapersonal (self smart),

interpersonal (people smart),

body-kinesthetic (body smart),

visual (picture smart)


Another fellow, named Mark Vital, stoked it up to nine:

naturalist (understanding living things and reading nature)

musical (discerning sounds, their pitch, tone, rhythm, and timbre)

logical-mathematical (quantifying things, making hypotheses and proving them)

existential (tackling the questions of why we live, and why we die)

interpersonal (sensing people’s feelings and motives)

bodily-kinesthetic (coordinating your mind with your body)

linguistic (finding the right words to express what you mean)

intrapersonal (understanding yourself, what you feel, and what you want)

spatial (visualizing the world in 3D)


Likely many, if not most, fall into at least one of the above categories.


And what sort of intelligence is required to be any other life form, any other earthling,

On this spinning rock some humans call Earth, in a cosmos some call the Universe?




Yesterday & Tomorrow


Who was yesterday? Who will be tomorrow?

What was yesterday? What will be tomorrow?

Where was yesterday? Where will be tomorrow?

When was yesterday? When will be tomorrow?

Why was yesterday? Why will be tomorrow?

How was yesterday? How will be tomorrow?




Ultimate Reality


Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all visions.

Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all sounds.

Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all tastes.

Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all smells.

Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all touch.

Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all senses.

Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all minds.

Ultimate reality is well prior to, and well beyond, all minds.




Before All Beginnings, After All Ends


When did imagination begin? And who was it before? Who will it be after it ends?

When did imagination begin? And what was it before? What will it be after it ends?

When did imagination begin? And where was it before? Where will it be after it ends?

When did imagination begin? And when was it before? Where when it be after it ends?

When did imagination begin? And why was it before? Why will it be after it ends?

When did imagination begin? And how was it before? How will it be after it ends?




Existence is Enough


Existence is enough.

The moment is enough.

It does not require stories.

It does not require philosophies.

It does not require deities or dogmas.

It does not require more, more, ever more.

It does not require meaning, it does not require purpose.

It does not require power or wealth or celebrity.

It does not require pedestrian groupthink.

It does not require political sanction.

It does not require consciousness.

It does not require knowledge.

It does not require anything.

Not even the illusory you.

The moment is enough.

Existence is enough.




Water Does Not


Water does not battle the rock.

It does not disobey gravity.

It does not resist the sun.




Just Another


Just another sound.

Just another sight.

Just another taste.

Just another smell.

Just another touch.

Just another thought.

Where is the space?

Where is the time?




The Garden of Dualistic Notion


The Garden of Life and Death.

The Garden of Good and Evil.

The Garden of Desire and Fear.

The Garden of Sweet and Bitter.

The Garden of Black and White.

The Garden of Sound and Silence.

The Garden of Kind and Callous.

The Garden of Full and Empty.

The Garden of Hot and Cold.

The Garden of Ones and Zeros.

The Garden of Dualistic Notion.




Ever the Same You


You are ever the same You.

Everything is ever the same You.

There is nothing that is not the same You.

No matter the dimension.

No matter the quantum.

No matter the matrix.

No matter the universe.

No matter the galaxy.

No matter the star.

No matter the world.

No matter the space.

No matter the time.

No matter the culture.

No matter the language.

No matter the mind-body.

No matter the dream.

No matter the gender.

No matter the costume.

No matter the vocation.

No matter the dogma.

No matter the politics.

No matter the attitude.

No matter the whatever.

You are ever the same You.




What is Hope?


To hope, or not to hope, that is the question.


What is hope?


What is hope, but:

Hope is to:

Hope is:



Go back to the drawing board

Beat around the bush

That ship has sailed

Go down in flames

Have eyes bigger than one's stomach

Fly in the ointment

A dime a dozen

A bitter pill to swallow

Call it a day

Take with a grain of salt

Cutting corners

All thumbs

Get your act together

Break a leg

It's not rocket science

Make a long story short

Wild goose chase

Straw that broke the camel's back

Miss the boat

No horse in this race

Hook, line and sinker

Couch potato

Heard it through the grapevine

At the drop of a hat

Barking up the wrong tree

A hot potato

By the seat of one's pants

Chink in one's armor

Bird brain

Cut somebody some slack

My two cents

Kill two birds with one stone

Bed of roses

Pull someone's leg

Pull yourself together

Speak of the devil

Time flies when you're having fun

By the skin of one's teeth

Two a penny

Elephant in the room

Don't count chickens before they hatch

No dog in this fight

To make matters worse

For a song

Pushing up daisies

Trip the light fantastic

We'll cross that bridge when we come to it

Shoot the breeze

Throw under the bus

Wrap your head around something

Screw the pooch

Your guess is as good as mine

You can say that again




What Happened


What happened to the Egyptians,

What happened to the Persians,

What happened to the Chinese,

What happened to the Greeks,

What happened to the Spanish,

What happened to the French,

What happened to the English,

What happened to the Germans,

What happened to the Russians,

What happened to the Aztecs,

What happened to the Incas,

What happened to the Zulus,

What happened to the Romans,

Is what happens to all robust tribes.

Everything that rises, sooner or later falls.

That is the statistical certainty of all manifestation.

Including this genesis, this matrix, and any and all creations prior and hence.




Blobs Everywhere


Blobs everywhere.

Some with eyes.

Some with ears.

Some with noses.

Some with mouths.

Some with fingers.

Some with toes.

Some with legs.

Some with arms.

Some with tails.

Some with muscles.

Some with fat.

Some with wings.

Some with feelers.

Some with fins.

Some with flesh.

Some with hair.

Some with scales.

Some with wit.

Some with folly.

Some with …

Some with …

Some with …

Some with whatever.

All blobs, nonetheless.




What is Left?


What is left, after you stop imagining you are the body?

What is left, after you stop imagining you are the identity?

What is left, after you stop imagining you are all these memories?

What is left, after you stop imagining you are all these relationships?

What is left, after you stop imagining you are anything at all?

What is left, but the still, pure awareness, you ever are,

That to which all manifestation is but a dream.




Only as Real as You Imagine It


Reality is only as real as you imagine it.

Space is only as real as you imagine it.

Time is only as real as you imagine it.

History is only as real as you imagine it.

Science is only as real as you imagine it.

Mathematics is only as real as you imagine it.

Music is only as real as you imagine it.

Art is only as real as you imagine it.

Philosophy is only as real as you imagine it.

Industry is only as real as you imagine it.

Technology is only as real as you imagine it.

Architecture is only as real as you imagine it.

Existence is only as real as you imagine it.

Stuff is only as real as you imagine it.

Other is only as real as you imagine it.

Nature is only as real as you imagine it.

Gaia is only as real as you imagine it.

Genesis is only as real as you imagine it.

Dreamtime is only as real as you imagine it.

Everything is only as real as you imagine it.

God is only as real as you imagine it.

Awareness is only as real as you imagine it.

Self is only as real as you imagine it.

You are only as real as you imagine it.




The Same You


Through all times,

Through all spaces,

The same genesis in all,

The same unknown in all,

The same consciousness in all,

The same imagination in all,

The same awareness in all,

The same moment in all,

The same mystery in all,

The same voice in all,

The same You in all.




Who Really Knows? Who Really Cares?


How many really know, really care, what Schopenhauer thought?

How many really know, really care, what Wittgenstein thought?

How many really know, really care, what Lao Tzu thought?

How many really know, really care, what Buddha thought?

How many really know, really care, what Comte thought?

How many really know, really care, what Bacon thought?

How many really know, really care, what Heraclitus thought?

How many really know, really care, what Kafka thought?

How many really know, really care, what Hume thought?

How many really know, really care, what Rousseau thought?

How many really know, really care, what Russell thought?

How many really know, really care, what Hobbes thought?

How many really know, really care, what Machiavelli thought?

How many really know, really care, what Foucault thought?

How many really know, really care, what Plato thought?

How many really know, really care, what Kierkegaard thought?

How many really know, really care, what Krishna thought?

How many really know, really care, what Mill thought?

How many really know, really care, what de Beauvoir thought?

How many really know, really care, what Hess thought?

How many really know, really care, what Aquinas thought?

How many really know, really care, what Carneades thought?

How many really know, really care, what Diogenes thought?

How many really know, really care, what Smith thought?

How many really know, really care, what Confucius thought?

How many really know, really care, what Arendt thought?

How many really know, really care, what James thought?

How many really know, really care, what Parmenides thought?

How many really know, really care, what Pascal thought?

How many really know, really care, what Chomsky thought?

How many really know, really care, what Thales thought?

How many really know, really care, what Sina thought?

How many really know, really care, what Patanjali thought?

How many really know, really care, what Watts thought?

How many really know, really care, what Ram Dass thought?

How many really know, really care, what Osho thought?

How many really know, really care, what Derrida thought?

How many really know, really care, what Marx thought?

How many really know, really care, what Vonnegut thought?

How many really know, really care, what Wollstonecraft thought?

How many really know, really care, what Descartes thought?

How many really know, really care, what Sartre thought?

How many really know, really care, what Muhammad thought?

How many really know, really care, what Locke thought?

How many really know, really care, what Emerson thought?

How many really know, really care, what Nietzsche thought?

How many really know, really care, what Arendt thought?

How many really know, really care, what Dewey thought?

How many really know, really care, what Zoroaster thought?

How many really know, really care, what Whitman thought?

How many really know, really care, what Kant thought?

How many really know, really care, what Shankara thought?

How many really know, really care, what Plato thought?

How many really know, really care, what Epicurus thought?

How many really know, really care, what Ashtavakra thought?

How many really know, really care, what Aurelius thought?

How many really know, really care, what Socrates thought?

How many really know, really care, what Jesus thought?

How many really know, really care, what Yogananda thought?

How many really know, really care, what Aristotle thought?

How many really know, really care, what Camus thought?

How many really know, really care, what Voltaire thought?

How many really know, really care, what Spinoza thought?

How many really know, really care, what Thoreau thought?

How many really know, really care, what Hegel thought?

How many really know, really care, what Socrates thought?

How many really know, really care, what Heidegger thought?

How many really know, really care, what Krishnamurti thought?

How many really know, really care, what you think?

Never hurts to get over yourself anytime soon.




What Will Your Death Be Like?


What will your death, your departure, your exodus, be like?

Will it be passionate or peaceful? Painful or painless?

Will it be expected or unexpected? Quick or slow?

Will you be all alone or surrounded by others?

Will you be whimpering or unconcerned?

Will you be pleading to some deity?

Or already at home in the abyss?




Real Friendship


Real friendship does not change.

Real friendship does not judge.

Real friendship does not betray.

Real friendship does not detract.

Real friendship does not thieve.

Real friendship does not intimidate.

Real friendship does not envy.

Real friendship does not manipulate.

Real friendship does not deny.

Real friendship does not overwhelm.

Real friendship does not attack.

Real friendship does not cling.

Real friendship does not dissolve.

Real friendship does not differentiate.

Real friendship does not desert.

Real friendship does not ridicule.

Real friendship does not labor.

Real friendship does not diminish.

Real friendship does not dogmatize.

Real friendship does not malign.

Real friendship does not abandon.

Real friendship does not deceive.

Real friendship does not hurt.

Real friendship does not destroy.

Real friendship does not turn away.

Real friendship does not end.


Is there such a thing as a real friend?


Or is it just a lot of yada-yada, comparable to fallacious notions of family and flag?




Nothing More to Be


Stop wishing you were some other place.

Stop wishing you were some other time.

Stop wishing you were some other life.

Here You are … right here, right now.

Awareness … pure, simple, absolute.

Ineffable, inexplicable, unfathomable.

Nothing more to be, nothing else to be.




You Are the Awareness


You are not the self.

You are not the mind.

You are not the body,

You are not the world.

You are not the cosmos.

You are the awareness.

You were never born.

You will never die.

Let go all dreams.

Let go all illusions.

Let go all delusions.

Let go all attachments.

Pay attention to the moment.

Be free of space, be free of time.




Without the Mind-Body


Without the mind-body,

What is wet, what is dry?

What is hot, what is cold?

What is loud, what is quiet?

What is sweet, what is bitter?

What is pleasure, what is pain?

What is coarse, what is smooth?

What is harsh, what is gentle?

What is any now-soon-then?

Without illusion its game?




Work on Imagining


Work on imagining who you really are, and are not.

Work on imagining what you really are, and are not.

Work on imagining where you really are, and are not.

Work on imagining when you really are, and are not.

Work on imagining why you really are, and are not.

Work on imagining how you really are, and are not.




Regarding Free Will


You really believe you have free will?

Could you be free of your time?

Could you be free of your space?

Could you be free of your genetics?

Could you be free of your body?

Could you be free of your face?

Could you be free of your eyes?

Could you be free of your ears?

Could you be free of your nose?

Could you be free of your tongue?

Could you be free of your touch?

Could you be free of your language?

Could you be free of your ethnicity?

Could you be free of your gender?

Could you be free of your status?

Could you be free of your knowledge?

Could you be free of your memories?

Could you be free of your beliefs?

Could you be free of your wealth?

Could you be free of your religion?

Could you be free of your politics?

Could you be free of your feelings?

Could you be free of your emotions?

Could you be free of your prejudices?

Could you be free of your reflections?

Could you be free of your insights?

Could you be free of your appetites?

Could you be free of your family?

Could you be free of your friends?

Could you be free of your acquaintances?

Could you be free of your adversaries?

Could you be free of your heritage?

Could you be free of your tribe?

Could you be free of your work?

Could you be free of your habits?

Could you be free of your foods?

Could you be free of your liquids?

Could you be free of your pleasures?

Could you be free of your pains?

Could you be free of your sexuality?

Could you be free of your things?

Could you be free of your hobbies?

Could you be free of your loves?

Could you be free of your likes?

Could you be free of your hates?

Could you be free of your reactions?

Could you be free of your banter?

Could you be free of your algorithm?

Could you be free of your world?

Could you be free of your cosmos?

Could you be free of your moment?

Could you be free of anything at all?

The human paradigm is as fixed as any.

It may seem a complex, superior pattern,

In which consciousness reigns over instinct,

But you are as caught in it, as any jellyfish is its.

Even your most unpredictable actions are predictable.

Free will looking forward, fate looking back.

Your destiny awaits your arrival.

Die to it now, if you can.




The Moment is Now


The moment is now.

Not before, not after.

There is no who in it

There is no what in it.

There is no where in it.

There is no when in it.

There is no why in it.

There is no how in it.

The hustle misses it.

The bustle misses it.

The mind cannot grasp it.

The moment is right here, right now.

Discern the moment, discern the moment you are.

The moment you have ever been, the moment you will ever be.

The moment you are not, never were, will never be.

Abide in the awareness, witness to it all.




How Domesticated Are You?


How domesticated are you.

How domesticated are you?

How domesticated are you!

How domesticated are you!?

How domesticated are you?!




The Envy of Fellow Earthlings


Why would an elephant envy you?

Why would a snail envy you?

Why would a tree envy you?

Why would an ant envy you?

Why would a bear envy you?

Why would a mouse envy you?

Why would a sparrow envy you?

Why would an eagle envy you?

Why would a jellyfish envy you?

Why would a tiger envy you?

Why would a dolphin envy you?

Why would a salmon envy you?

Why would a cockroach envy you?

Why would a snail envy you?

Why would a monkey envy you?

Why would a deer envy you?

Why would a crab envy you?

Why would a badger envy you?

Why would a rose envy you?

Why would a weed envy you?

Why would a salamander envy you?

Why would a snake envy you?

Why would an alligator envy you?

Why would a microbe envy you?

Why would a butterfly envy you?

All life forms are masters of their given worlds.

Why would any fellow earthling ever envy any human?

Why would any ever want to be anything other than what it is?

Only human beings are at all dissatisfied with their roles,

The parts, into which the genetic lottery has cast them.

All existence plays whatever fate has been ordained.




As Intangible as Intangible Can Be


Awareness cannot be seen.

Awareness cannot be heard.

Awareness cannot be tasted.

Awareness cannot be smelled

Awareness cannot be touched.

Awareness cannot be thought.

Awareness is as intangible,

As intangible can be.




Worms Do Not Care


Die wealthy, die poor.

Die powerful, die weak.

Die known, die unknown.

Die brave, die coward.

Die loved, die hated.

Die happy, die sad.

Worms do not care.




What Choice?


What choice has anyone ever had in anything, really?

Nature-nurture, the genetic lottery, coupled with the given backdrop –

History, culture, politics, religion, language, wealth, status, gender, and whatever else –

Fashion all, as surely, as deftly, as a mold does any lump of quantum terra-cotta.

Human consciousness may vainly, in so many ways, deem itself superior, 

To the churning instinctual algorithms of all its fellow earthlings,

But primordial instinct is the underlying operating system,

That has been running this state of so-called existence,

Since long before the first hint, the first tethers, of imagination.

Destiny is, each and every timeless moment, choreographing your arrival.




Waiting for Jesus


Waiting for Schopenhauer.

Waiting for Wittgenstein.

Waiting for Lao Tzu.

Waiting for Buddha.

Waiting for Comte.

Waiting for Bacon.

Waiting for Heraclitus.

Waiting for Kafka.

Waiting for Hume.

Waiting for Rousseau.

Waiting for Russell.

Waiting for Hobbes.

Waiting for Machiavelli.

Waiting for Foucault.

Waiting for Plato.

Waiting for Kierkegaard.

Waiting for Krishna.

Waiting for Mill.

Waiting for de Beauvoir.

Waiting for Hess.

Waiting for Aquinas.

Waiting for Carneades.

Waiting for Diogenes.

Waiting for Smith.

Waiting for Confucius.

Waiting for Arendt.

Waiting for James.

Waiting for Parmenides.

Waiting for Pascal.

Waiting for Chomsky.

Waiting for Thales.

Waiting for Sina.

Waiting for Patanjali.

Waiting for Watts.

Waiting for Ram Dass.

Waiting for Osho.

Waiting for Derrida.

Waiting for Marx.

Waiting for Vonnegut.

Waiting for Wollstonecraft.

Waiting for Descartes.

Waiting for Sartre.

Waiting for Muhammad.

Waiting for Locke.

Waiting for Emerson.

Waiting for Nietzsche.

Waiting for Arendt.

Waiting for Dewey.

Waiting for Zoroaster.

Waiting for Whitman.

Waiting for Kant.

Waiting for Shankara.

Waiting for Plato.

Waiting for Epicurus.

Waiting for Ashtavakra.

Waiting for Aurelius.

Waiting for Socrates.

Waiting for Jesus.

Waiting for Yogananda.

Waiting for Aristotle.

Waiting for Camus.

Waiting for Voltaire.

Waiting for Spinoza.

Waiting for Thoreau.

Waiting for Hegel.

Waiting for Socrates.

Waiting for Heidegger.

Waiting for Krishnamurti.

Might be best not to hold your breath.




So, You’re in Love With a Blob, EH?


So, you’re in love with a blob, eh?

What’s your favorite part?

Nerves or arteries?

Brain or body?

Heart or spleen?

Clitoris or ovaries?

Mouth or anus?

Lungs or liver?

Eyes or ears?

Nose or tongue?

Penis or testicles?

Legs or arms?

Knees or elbows?

Flesh or womb?

Big toes or thumbs?

Belly button or buttocks?

Imagine kissing and licking them all.




What Matter?


Here you are, now.

What matter, who?

What matter, what?

What matter, when?

What matter, where?

What matter, why?

What matter, how?

Here you are, now.




The Same Answer


Who are you in there?

What are you in there?

Where are you in there?

When are you in there?

Why are you in there?

How are you in there?

Is not the truest answer,

The same for one and all?




First and Last


This is the first and last breath, breathe it.

This is the first and last sight, see it.

This is the first and last sound, hear it.

This is the first and last taste, taste it.

This is the first and last smell, smell it.

This is the first and last touch, touch it

This is the first and last breath, breathe it.




What Point?


No point changing what cannot be changed,

Journeying that which cannot be journeyed,

Preserving that which cannot be preserved.

Criticizing that which cannot be criticized.

Revealing that which cannot be revealed,

Traveling that which cannot be traveled.

Advising that which cannot be advised.

Creating that which cannot be created,

Pushing that which cannot be pushed,

Chasing that which cannot be caught,

Pulling that which cannot be pulled,

Loving that which cannot be loved,

Hating that which cannot be hated,

Mending that which cannot be torn,

Seeking that which cannot be found,

Solving that which cannot be solved,

Sharing that which cannot be shared,

Beginning that which cannot be begun,

Finishing that which cannot be finished,

Destroying that which cannot be destroyed.




When More is Never Enough


The deeper meaning.

The greater buzz.

The higher high.

The bigger big.

The fuller full.

The nth degree.

The larger large.

The farthest shore.

The greater purpose.

The grander whatever,

Where more is never enough,

And forever never ends.




The Same Mystery in All


Do the engineering.

Do the architecture.

Do the language.

Do the science.

Do the math.

Do the art.

Do the music.

Do the history.

Do the athletics.

Do the humanities.

Do the good, the bad.

Do whatever you please,

The same mystery is in all.




Infinity: Everything and Nothing


Infinity is not a number.

Infinity is not a word.

Infinity is not a time.

Infinity is not a space.

Infinity is not an image.

Infinity is not a sound.

Infinity is not a sight.

Infinity is not a taste.

Infinity is not a smell.

Infinity is not a sensation.

Infinity is not great.

Infinity is not small.

Infinity is not a distance.

Infinity is not a concept.

Infinity is not an image.

Infinity is not an emotion.

Infinity is not a thought.

Infinity is not anything.

Infinity is everything.

Infinity is nothing.




The Horror! The Horror!


The sights! The sights!

The sounds! The sounds!

The smells! The smells!

The tastes! The tastes!

The textures! The textures!

The thoughts! The thoughts!

The vanity! The vanity!

The hunger! The hunger!

The algorithm! The alsorithm!

The division! The division!

The creativity! The creativity!

The greed! The greed!

The hypocrisy! The hypocrisy!

The sorrow! The sorrow!

The discordance! The discordance!

The subtlety! The subtlety!

The laziness! The laziness!

The love! The love!

The paradox! The paradox!

The wealth! The wealth!

The poverty! The poverty!

The loneliness! The loneliness!

The disparity! The disparity!

The dullness! The dullness!

The violence! The violence!

The obesity! The obesity!

The pain! The pain!

The disharmony! The disharmony!

The genetics! The genetics!

The novelty! The novelty!

The ambition! The ambition!

The stress! The stress!

The predictability! The predictability!

The ugliness! The ugliness!

The brilliance! The brilliance!

The dogma! The dogma!

The monotony! The monotony!

The matrix! The matrix!

The bullshit! The bullshit!

The wisdom! The wisdom!

The stupidity! The stupidity!

The boredom! The boredom!

The hate! The hate!

The tradition! The tradition!

The suffering! The suffering!

The bother! The bother!

The corruption! The corruption!

The loyalty! The loyalty!

The worry! The worry!

The rigidity! The rigidity!

The cacophony! The cacophony!

The deceit! The deceit!

The pleasure! The pleasure!

The viciousness! The viciousness!

The irony! The irony!

The repetition! The repetition!

The conflict! The conflict!

The beauty! The beauty!

The harmony! The harmony!

The insanity! The insanity!

The tribalism! The tribalism!

The cruelty! The cruelty!

The industry! The industry!

The emptiness! The emptiness!

The drama! The drama!

The inanity! The inanity!

The absurdity! The absurdity!

The horror! The horror!




Destroy! Destroy! Destroy!


Destroy all the knowledge.

Destroy all opinions.

Destroy the other.

Destroy the world.

Destroy the cosmos.

Destroy all the creation.

Here You are, right here, right now.




All Blobs the Same


Some blobs are slimy.

Some blobs are gooey.

Some blobs are chewy.

Some blobs are crunchy.

Same quantum essence, all.




The Mystery Is All


I am mystery.

You are mystery.

We are all mystery.

Everything is mystery.

Every no-thing is mystery.

There is nothing not mystery.

Give up all attempts to know it.

Let go all that you think you know.

Inhale the timeless-spaceless moment.

It is the integrity, the virtue, you truly are.




What Would Your Frame of Reference Be?


Imagine having never smelled a smell.

Imagine having never tasted a flavor.

Imagine having never seen an image.

Imagine having never heard a sound.

Imagine having never felt a sensation.

Imagine any combination of the above.

What would your frame of reference be?

What would your world, your universe, be?




What Is the Universe of a Bee?


What is the universe of any life form?

What is the universe of a bee?

What is the universe of a hawk?

What is the universe of a sparrow?

What is the universe of a cockroach?

What is the universe of a tiger?

What is the universe of a virus?

What is the universe of a frog?

What is the universe of a dandelion?

What is the universe of a crow?

What is the universe of a shark?

What is the universe of an elephant?

What is the universe of a bat?

What is the universe of an ant?

What is the universe of a butterfly?

What is the universe of a whale?

What is the universe of a deer?

What is the universe of a microbe?

What is the universe of a snake?

What is the universe of a spider?

What is the universe of a plant?

What is the universe of a moth?

What is the universe of a lobster?

What is the universe of a bear?

What is the universe of a seagull?

What is the universe of a minnow?

What is the universe of a clam?

What is the universe of a dophin?

What is the universe of a tree?

What is the universe of a snail?

What is the universe of a seal?

What is the universe of a buffalo?

What is the universe of a cow?

What is the universe of a chicken?

What is the universe of a pig?

What is the universe of a salmon?

What is the universe of a badger?

What is the universe of an octopus?

What is the universe of a kangaroo?

What is the universe of a panda?

What is the universe of a gnat?

What is the universe of a pike?

What is the universe of a rat?

What is the universe of a worm?

What is the universe of a guppy?

What is the universe of a owl?

What is the universe of a tarantula?

What is the universe of a sloth?

What is the universe of a wolf?

What is the universe of a giraffe?

What is the universe of a starfish?

What is the universe of an otter?

What is the universe of a penguin?

What is the universe of an alligator?

What is the universe of a mushroom?

What is the universe of a salamander?

What is the universe of any human being?

No matter the form, no matter the sensory input,

We are all walking the same stage in different universes.

Every organism, absolutely unique; all, the same timeless mystery.




Where is Your Face?


Where is your face? What does it really look like?

What about the back of your noggin? Or either side view?

What about your back? Or the back of your neck? Or your shoulders?

Or your derrière, without a mirror? What do others see, when you are walking away?

Discerning the matrix vista, that state of awareness, prior to consciousness –

Detached, relativistic, indivisible, timeless, spaceless, boundless –

Is ample proof, if You are fated to achieve such a feat,

That you are indeed the mystery, unto Self.




How Can You Prove Anything?


How can you prove now; why should you have to?

How can you prove time; why should you have to?

How can you prove space; why should you have to?

How can you prove infinity; why should you have to?

How can you prove quantum; why should you have to?

How can you prove anything; why should you have to?

How can you prove everything; why should you have to?

How can you prove awareness; why should you have to?

How can you prove eternity; why should you have to?

How can you prove naught; why should you have to?

How can you prove You; why should you have to?

And as for some God, what would be the point?




Will That Be the Last Time?


Will that be the last time you think that?

Will that be the last time you say that?

Will that be the last time you do that?

Will that be the last time you see that?

Will that be the last time you hear that?

Will that be the last time you taste that?

Will that be the last time you smell that?

Will that be the last time you feel that?

Will that be the last time you read that?

Will that be the last time you write that?

Will that be the last time you discern that?

Will that be the last time you wonder that?

Will that be the last time you manipulate that?

Will that be the last time you calculate that?

Will that be the last time you draw that?

Will that be the last time you paint that?

Will that be the last time you sculpt that?

Will that be the last time you paint that?

Will that be the last time you paint that?

Will that be the last time you dance that?

Will that be the last time you play that?

Will that be the last time you covet that?

Will that be the last time you like that?

Will that be the last time you love that?

Will that be the last time you hate that?

Will that be the last time you travel there?

Will that be the last time you walk there?

Will that be the last time you run there?

Will that be the last time you sit there?

Will that be the last time you eat that?

Will that be the last time you cook that?

Will that be the last time you trade that?

Will that be the last time you print that?

Will that be the last time you yell that?

Will that be the last time you whisper that?

Will that be the last time you create that?

Will that be the last time you preserve that?

Will that be the last time you destroy that?

Will that be the last time you anything that?




A Short List of Modern Entitlements

(Not necessarily in order of importance)


Food and drink


Running water

Septic systems

Garbage collection

Retirement homes


Social security





Building codes


Weights and measures








Air conditioning


Air filtration

Financial systems




Military services

Police services

Fire services

Health services








Jails and prisons

Bars and nightclubs

Coffee shops

Service organizations

Religious organizations




Mobile phones




Touch screens




Online banking

Online gaming






Showers and bathtubs

Roads and freeway


Stop lights


Retail outlets



Public transport

Water drainage





Building codes

Building materials






Rule of Law

Monetary system








Office supplies

Toilets and urinals

Kitchen utensils


And who knows how long a more detailed list would be?






The word is not the thing.

The note is not the melody.

The number is not the actuality.

The imagination is not the awareness.

The moment is not the perception.

The thought is not the now.

Truth is not a concept.

You are not you.




Of Rises and Falls


Every life form has its rise and fall.

Every tribe has its rise and fall.

Every culture has its rise and fall.

Every nation has its rise and fall.

Every boulder has its rise and fall.

Every mountain has its rise and fall.

Every world has its rise and fall.

Every star has its rise and fall.

Every galaxy has its rise and fall.

Every universe has its rise and fall.

The mystery is all, the mystery permeates all.

The awareness, every moment, indelible witness to all.

There is no other; only the quantum matrix, and its eternity of appearances,

Kaleidoscoping a most excellent dream of space and time, that only the rarest minds discern unto Self.




You Are the Ephemeral


You are the ephemeral sentience.

You are the ephemeral awareness.

You are the ephemeral intelligence.

You are the ephemeral astuteness.

You are the ephemeral compassion.

You are the ephemeral twinkling.

You are the ephemeral sensitivity.

You are the ephemeral right now.

You are the ephemeral awakeness.

You are the ephemeral here now.

You are the ephemeral alertness.

You are the ephemeral absurdity.

You are the ephemeral madness.

You are the ephemeral discrimination.

You are the ephemeral keenness.

You are the ephemeral shrewdness.

You are the ephemeral foolishness.

You are the ephemeral intuition.

You are the ephemeral moment.

You are the ephemeral judiciousness.

You are the ephemeral sagacity.

You are the ephemeral fluidity.

You are the ephemeral wisdom.

You are the ephemeral acumen.

You are the ephemeral flexibility.

You are the ephemeral instant.

You are the ephemeral insight.

You are the ephemeral now.

You are the ephemeral acuity.

You are the ephemeral jiffy.

You are the ephemeral sagacity.

You are the ephemeral wisdom.

You are the ephemeral acumen.

You are the ephemeral shrewdness.

You are the ephemeral judiciousness.

You are the ephemeral sensitivity.

You are the ephemeral here.

You are the ephemeral perception.

You are the ephemeral discernment.

You are the ephemeral discernment.

You are the ephemeral present.

You are the ephemeral passion.

You are the ephemeral dexterity.

You are the ephemeral sentience.

You are the ephemeral perceptiveness.

It you are thinking it, you are not being it.

What Will History Call It?


What will history call it?

The Great Reckoning

The Great Alignment

The Great Adjustment

The Great Fall

The Great Devaluation

The Great Collapse

The Great Extinction

The Great Disintegration

The Great Annihilation

The Great Extermination

The Great Decline

The Great Termination

The Great Correction

The Great Cascade

The Great Avalanche

The Great Retrenching

The Great Meltdown

The Great Dissolution

The Great Downfall

The Great Demise

The Great Andropocene

The Great Difference

The Great Exodus

The Great Depression

The Great Retreat

The Great Articulation

The Great Descent

The Great Apology

The Great Reduction

The Great Plummet

The Great Repression

The Great Extinction

The Great Desolation

The Great Undoing

The Great Departure

The Great Awakening

Step right up, folks!

Time machines for sale!

Get ‘em while they’re hot!




Just This Moment


There is just this timeless moment.


Sometimes it is ecstasy, sometimes it is agony.

Sometimes it is true, sometimes it is false.

Sometimes it is full, sometimes it is empty.

Sometimes it is happy, sometimes it is sad.

Sometimes it is known, sometimes it is unknown.

Sometimes it is life, sometimes it is death.

Sometimes it is pleasant, sometimes it is noxious.

Sometimes it is fast, sometimes it is slow.

Sometimes it is clear, sometimes it is foggy.

Sometimes it is tangible, sometimes it is intangible.

Sometimes it is rich, sometimes it is poor.

Sometimes it is on, sometimes it is off.

Sometimes it is white, sometimes it is black.

Sometimes it is large, sometimes it is small.

Sometimes it is real, sometimes it is imaginary.

Sometimes it is smart, sometimes it is stupid.

Sometimes it is straight, sometimes it is crooked.

Sometimes it is punctual, sometimes it is late.

Sometimes it is busy, sometimes it is slow.

Sometimes it is reassuring, sometimes it is scary.

Sometimes it is serene, sometimes it is bustling.

Sometimes it is beautiful, sometimes it is ugly.

Sometimes it is sharp, sometimes it is blunt.

Sometimes it is day, sometimes it is night.

Sometimes it is bright, sometimes it is gloomy.

Sometimes it is loving, sometimes it is hateful.

Sometimes it is simple, sometimes it is complex.

Sometimes it is icy, sometimes it is tepid.

Sometimes it is friendly, sometimes it is hostile.

Sometimes it is young, sometimes it is old.

Sometimes it is energetic, sometimes it is lethargic.

Sometimes it is colors, sometimes it is gray.

Sometimes it is right, sometimes it is wrong.

Sometimes it is interesting, sometimes it is boring.

Sometimes it is close, sometimes it is distant.

Sometimes it is right, sometimes it is left.

Sometimes it is same, sometimes it is different.

Sometimes it is exact, sometimes it is approximate.

Sometimes it is similar, sometimes it is different.

Sometimes it is in, sometimes it is out.

Sometimes it is sweet, sometimes it is sour.

Sometimes it is early, sometimes it is late.

Sometimes it is soft, sometimes it is rough.

Sometimes it is tasty, sometimes it is bland.

Sometimes it is fragrant, sometimes it is smelly.

Sometimes it is yin, sometimes it is yang.

Sometimes it is inhale, sometimes it is exhale.

Sometimes it is smooth, sometimes it is rough.

Sometimes it is wavy, sometimes it is flat.

Sometimes it is round, sometimes it is square.

Sometimes it is up, sometimes it is down.

Sometimes it is excellent, sometimes it is mediocre.

Sometimes it is rich, sometimes it is poor.

Sometimes it is silent, sometimes it is noisy.

Sometimes it is expensive, sometimes it is cheap.

Sometimes it is male, sometimes it is female.

Sometimes it is happy, sometimes it is depressed.

Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is bad.

Sometimes it is reasonable, sometimes it is absurd.

Sometimes it is near, sometimes it is far.

Sometimes it is sane, sometimes it is insane.

Sometimes it is light, sometimes it is dark.

Sometimes it is hot, sometimes it is cold.

Sometimes it is dry, sometimes it is wet.

Sometimes it is here, sometimes it is there.

Sometimes it is now, sometimes it is then.

Sometimes it is this, sometimes it is that.

Sometimes it is born, sometimes it is dying.

Sometimes it is unborn, sometimes it is undying.

Sometimes it is beginning, sometimes it is ending.

Sometimes it is everything, sometimes it is nothing.


But it is always the same timeless moment.




The Human Pyramid Scheme


The human pyramid scheme in a nutshell:


One-Percent One-Percent One-Percent One-Percent One-Percenters

One-Percent One-Percent One-Percent One-Percenters

One-Percent One-Percent One-Percenters

One-Percent One-Percenters




Overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseer overseer overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseer overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseer overseers

Overseer overseers


Régime slaves

Self-Employed slaves

Middlemen slaves

Rancher slaves

Farmer slaves

Salary slaves

Wage slaves

Intern slaves

Future slaves

Homeless slaves

All-purpose slaves

Not yet dead slaves

Not yet born slaves

The Grand Theater


You are the unfathomable, playing fathomable.

You are the immutable, playing mercurial.

You are the indivisible, playing divisible.

You are the infinite, playing limited.

You are the timeless, playing time.

You are the ineffable, playing effable.

You are the infinitesimal, playing huge.

You are the changeless, playing changing. 

You are the neverborn, playing existence.

You are the indelible, playing delible.

You are the flexible, playing inflexible.

You are the interminable, playing finite.

You are the everlasting, playing transient.

You are the perpetual, playing temporary.

You are the unknown, playing known.

You are the unutterable, playing utterable.

You are the absurdity, playing logic.

You are the unborn, playing life.

You are the undying, playing death.

You are the constant, playing irregular.

You are the impenetrable, playing penetrable.

You are the intangible, playing tangible.

You are the intrinsic, playing acquired.

You are the unending, playing destined.

You are the unceasing, playing sporadic.

You are the irrational, playing rational.

You are the inexpressible, playing expressible.

You are the enduring, playing short-lived.

You are the ageless, playing age.

You are the abyss, playing shallow.

You are the indefinable, playing definable.

You are the immortal, playing mortal.

You are the eternal, playing transience.

You are the unspeakable, playing speakable.

You are the unchangeable, playing changeable.


You are the You, playing you.